Friday, October 20, 2006

Chemo - Day2 I feel sick. Can't stomach any food and starting to feel sorry for myself. I hope that the rest of Chemo is not going to be like this. I've asked Shirin to call Arif to check to see if there are any strong Anti-Emtics that I can take to stop me feeling so bad. Shirin bought a whole load of drugs from the pharmacy, none of them seem to be working.

I don't feel like talking to anyone and lie in bed watching films. I try and eat something (steam veggies) but my stomach starts to wrech. I end up going for a walk along the river in the hope that some clean fresh air might help. I decide to sit down on a bench and practice my yoga breathing, it does the trick and my stomach stops churning so much. I go home and straight to bed hoping that tomorrow won't be worse.

Sickness Level : 8/10
Eating : very little.
Films watched : 2

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