Thursday, November 02, 2006

Chemo - Day15/16/17

Hello all. Sorry I haven't been writing my blog for the last few days. I've been a little bit exhausted. I think the new Chemo bottle is pumping a little faster, hence I'm feeling tired and little sick.

The pool table arrived. I used the sympathy vote to get the Argos delivery guys to take the snooker table up to the living room on the first floor. I spent an hour or so building the pool table, but felt quite tired after I was finished. I ended having a snooze for 3 hours.

The door bell rang, it was Rodney. Not surprised he turned up when I had just finished building the conservatory. I won the 1st two games and Rodney won the subsequent 1. Since then I haven't had the energy to play. I will try later.

The 3 nurses turned up to change my Chemo pump. They were really cool. I've got a photo of them, but need to work a way of getting on this blog. I've also started using the Cam Recorded and have some cute clips of Alyssa. I now need to get my head around youtube and link to this blog.

Just received more games for the XBox, Ridge Racer 6, Table Tennis, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07. I will give them a go tomorrow. Thanks for sending those Sameer. They should keep me entertained for a while. Dev stayed over last night, and will be staying tonight. It's good to have him around. We read through a number of cookery books to find out receipies that I might like. It is a real problem working out what I would like to eat since I am always feeling a little queezy.

Energy Level : 5/10
Sickness Level : 2/10
Eat : lots of food, can't remember what.


Anonymous said...


Sounds like you're becoming the right little gambler... count me in.. we could become hustlers.. although once everyone reads this our cover will be blown!!

Anyway, you keep practising, keep your strength up and we'll catch up soon so you can show off all your new skills


Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,

Sam here, no problems, those games were from both myself and the Essex Gurv! Enjoy sunshine...

See you soon, Sam