Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Chemo - Day22

Generally feel a little more sick today. Not sure why. Could be because of this cold I cannot shift. Went to the 'Young persons cancer group' today. It is run by the Lions Hospice and is about a 15 minute drive from home. It wasn't quite what I was expecting. The majority of people were much older than me, but I still had a good chat with them all. My hair was falling off in clumps this morning so I asked the Lion's Hospice Hairdresser to shave it all off. I suppose I'm getting used it to now. Just a little bit colder when you're walking outside. I took part in the creative writing class and also painted a picture. There wasn't an xbox 360 to play though. The staff are very friendly and supportive and the group as a whole are a cool bunch of people. They also supplied lunch, Pasta bake and stewed apples for dessert. I'm not sure if I am going to like the creative writing class. It's 8 weeks long, and we get homework! I'm still waiting for 3 to return my mobile, going to give them a right telling off tomorrow. I think I'm just going to veg the rest of the week and save my strength for Friday. Alyssa took 4 steps today on her own. She is getting more and more restless by the day. I have attached the painted I did today. Note that the pencil work was done by Bob, one of the Hospice helpers. I've also attached a photo of myself to proof I still look good even with a slap head. Finally for those who have been calling non-stop, I have a photo of the Elloner nurses as requested.


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, that's not Jay, that's Rahman!! Spooky or what.

Anonymous said...

Definitely looking good with the slaphead!


Anonymous said...

Dev, i disagree - no monkey features in sight! looks good mate!

Anonymous said...

Quality Raman disguise. Only thing missing is a funky shirt and a grandad hat. Next time, place the camera on the floor facing up and take the picture. Looking good...

Anonymous said...

now all you need is a picture of Jay, me and Raman together.

Anonymous said...

Hey jay!

Good to see and hear you are doing well.

dinner sounds like a great idea - i will be waiting for the invite...

Oh by the way I finally took the plung and became a Shah a few months ago! So i'm part of your clan now!:)

take care
Nina Shah (previously known as Nina Limbachia)

Anonymous said...


How many years have you known me? Are you deliberately trying to insult me by calling me Rahman?

Anonymous said...


Looking good.


Anonymous said...

Barney (a.k.a Nelash),

I like the comment about the camera. Will not work on Jay as he doesn't wear skirts.


Anonymous said...


I said looking good but not as good as me.

