Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Chemo - Day29

Feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel at last. The last 5 days have been pretty bad, but now I feel a lot stronger and the sickness is wearing off. The hunger is back big time and I'm making more of a conscience effort to stay out of bed. Lying around isn't that good for the mind.

Rodney, Ali and Sam visited last night. It was good to see them. They work so hard though and they're in their early 20s. I want to get my brother in law in to a big company (Accenture, Deloit, KPMG). Mark has very kindly been working on his CV for spruce it up. Do any of you feel that you could put it forward to the companies you work for?

Thanks for all the advice on the films. Raj D, if you lend me some of the Jackie Chan and Burce Lee films please. I hope you have them on DVD, if not then don't worry.

I have also decided to spend a little more time out of the house today. I'm going to Bluewater and pig out at Eds Diner. The atomic fries are to die for... I think I'm going to stop watching Greys Anotomy as the operation scenes seem a little too graphic for me at the moment. Knowing I have a big operation ahead of me I'd rather not know too many of the details.

Raman phone yesterday and said that on Radio 5 there was a news article about 2 girls aged 20 with the same cancer as me. Turns out that they had their Chemo, Ops etc and are now fine. Can anyone find the article for me on the web?

Thanks all for your support over the last few days. If anyone feels like visiting, please feel free. It would be good to see you and it'll keep my spirits up. Oh, another side effect of Chemo hit me yesterday, my palms and feet have tanned and are a little sore. Arif said that it;s okay and that I need to put plenty of hand cream on them.

Sickness Level : 4/10
Energy Level : 3/10 - really hit a low.
Eating : Fruit, Tea, Jacket Potato, Curry, Plum Sponge


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you sounding more chipper, seeings as your're getting the munchies we should do the dinner date you suggested, one weekend soon?

And dont fib about the colouring on your feet and palms, we all know that its a give away for people who forgot to wash their hands after applying their fake tan. You're so probably think this blog is about..dont you..lala...

(shorting the Reena-G-Mellies, what do you think? Does it make me sound like a movie company or a car?)

Anonymous said...


Glad you're beginning to see the light.. good for you!!

Are they the only large companies your brother in law is interested in? As I can send onto Ernst & Young and Deloittes for you. Let me know. Oh by the way, what does he do?

You should watch the rocky horror picture show (Tim Curry & Susan Sarandon.. I can't spell her surname, but you know the one I mean).. now that is a classic movie.. go on.. give it a try... what have you got to lose? I'll bet you'll laugh at some point.

Take it easy..


Anonymous said...

mate, i'm hoping to take monday off work to come and see you.
hope you are feeling better today

Anonymous said...

just got back from France with your croissants and bon bons.I hope that you're taking care of your teeth!!

Anonymous said...

Raman/Rahman. sounds the same.maybe you should change the spelling to Rahman.

Anonymous said...

try for film ideas.

Anonymous said...

here's a link to the article about the two girls, that you were looking for.Not quite the same but similar enough.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hey social-soulmate!! just read yr blog (its 2 exciting cos i think this is my 1st blogging experience!!) & got 2say i love the part abt u having a medical reason to use handcream - u're such a girl!!! remember thailand when u used more products than even the he-she folks did!!! well no matter - u use the handcream and scream girl-power as much as u like!!! re movies - help me with a little bet i have with arif - btwn De Niro and Pacino - who is the more versatile actor? (DE Niro ofcourse!!) We're gonna have a showdown with everyone 2 showcase the best top 3 of each so we can all vote - so get watching the movies to help compile the list...scream if u need anything we're only a fonecall away! spk soon Tas
PS: Now i've blogged once i shall be compelled to blog again soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey man, I'm in Spain at the moment. Try Extra Virgin Olive Oil - it does wonders for your skin. Oh and green tea - that's good to.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this blog has turned into a beauty tips forum? This chemo is obviously messing with your hormones dude!!!

Seriously though, glad to hear you are feeling better.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,

Long time no see (or speak for that matter!)- havent seen Shirin or Alyssia for some time either. Alyssia was looking her usual pretty self when I saw her last at Mels (must be about 6/7 weeks ago now) Can't believe they are all getting so big now - Louisa is giantically tall it would appear that she is something ridiculous like 99th percentile for her height - she remains a real cherub and continues to be a gift to us both so we are eternally grateful for that. It seems that she is pretending to be on hunger strike at the moment though - I am sure it must be her teeth - she sneaked 2 out in June and then nothing until the last few weeks when the top ones came through and now it looks like 4 more on on their way - could be why she off her food! Cant beleive its over a year ago that we all met for the first time, what a lot has happened since then. Its so nice we are all still in touch too - we have been thinking about you a lot, but not wanting to intrude so this facility really means we can let you know we are rooting for you without us being on the phone badgering you!
Anyway enough babble from me - give your two lovely girls a kiss from us and have one for yourself too!
Thinking of you all

with love

Sarah, Steve and Louisa xx