Friday, December 22, 2006

More good news - no more chemo

End of CHEMO on Friday! Yep, no more chemo, so hopefully I'll regain some of my energy. I have about 6 weeks till the bug op so I'm going to Vegas and splash some cash. Don't worry Shirin will be there to stop me going wild/broke.

I have to have the line removed from my arm. The doc said it's not painful, just like removing a 1ft needle from you arm....nice! Shirin didn't help by mentioning that the line is actually 2ft long.

I've been getting lots of phone calls about the good news and quite a few text msgs and emails. It'll still be late June before my second round of chemo finishes after surgery, so there's still some way to go.

It was Alyssa 1st birthday on Thursday, we took her to Hamleys. She had a great time. Her aunt and uncle bought her lots of new toys. I'll get some photos of her party on the blog soon.

I've been told that I can't fly until by blood count improves...I'm currently at 0.6 and the norm is around 3. This means I can pick up infections quickly and hence not allowed to eat out. I was thinking about opening a bottle of wine and getting trashed today to celebrate, but thought that wouldn't be too good for my blood count either.

Shirin is gearing up to give me every pill under the sun. I'm going to be OD'ing on vitamin C and mushroom extracts. Unfortunately none of the mushroom pills have the same affect at those you can purchase in Amsterdam. Also thinking about a long weekend away somewhere warm, anyone up for it? It'll be in Januarary 2007.

I met a friend at the clinic today, he looked rather tired and warn out. I hope he got some good news today about his cancer.

Energy Level : 5/10
Sickness : 2/10 - not taking any anti sickness pills!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Just got a phone call from the Nurse Specialist who is working with my case. The results of the CT scan are good. They could not see the tumor!!! That means it is unlikely that I will have a 4th Cycle. I will still need the operation, but who's good news.

Thanks to all for your support over this difficult time. There is still a long way to go, but at least I know I'm heading in the right direction. Couldn't have done it without you all!

Thanks so much, love Jay

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Chemo - Day 60 something

It's been another hard week, but I'm starting to feel better. Alyssa had her 1st birthday party which was great fun. There was plenty of choas too with 22 toddlers in the same room. She's actually turning 1 on the 21st of December but we thought we would have the party early given everyone will be busy during the Christmas week.

I haven't been up to much really. Had quite a few visits from friends which was really good. It helped keep my spirits up. I went to Guy's Hospital today for a CT scan. The scan went without problems and I get the results on the 21st. Hopefully it will be a double celebration with the tumor shrinking and Alyssa officially turning 1.

I've been a bit crap with updating the blog, but to be honest not that much has happened this cycle. I guess it's because this cycle really took the energy out of me. I can't wait for the 4th cycle, which should start on the 22nd December. This year will be a fun Christmas and New Years given the cycle starts just days before. I suppose I'll jst try and sleep through the rest of the year.

Sickness Level : 4/10
Eating : slightly less than normal.. missing breakfast since I get up about 11:30am these days.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Chemo - Day55/56

wow - what a reponse. Many thanks for the advice and good thoughts. I have finally picked myself up and not feeling so sick anymore. I have found that I still need to take my anti-sickness drugs on time, but at least they now work and stop me feeling so ill.

I spent most of today walking around Bluewater. It was good fun. Did a little shopping and Alyssa decided she wanted to walk on her own as well. I think she is learning lots from her mum about efficient shopping techniques.

Tomorrow I have the young cancer group and looking forward to it. I haven't seen them for 2 weeks and I want to catch up on the gossip.

Sickness : 4/10
Energy : 6/10

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Chemo - Day50/51/52/53/54

It's been a hard few days. The sickness is gradually getting worse. Pretty much anything I eat makes me sick. I have tried all the anti-sickness drugs, none of them seem to make a significant difference. I'm hoping that I'll feel better over time.

Shirin bought me a Wii console yesterday, but haven't had the inclination to set it up. I haven't been to any of the young cancer groups either. I guess I'm feeling a little sorry for myself. I think I need to give myself a kick up the backside.

Sickness : 6/10
Energy : 4/10

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Chemo - Day49

A slightly better day today. Spent most of the time watching films and eating. I've finally got around to getting the pics from the BDR reunion. Have fun....

Sickness Leve : 6/10
Energy : 3/10

Chemo - Day42/43/44/45/46/47/48's been a week since I last posted anything on this blog. I've not been feeling too great. This cycle has really taken it out of me. I could barely get out of bed for a few days. I didn't expect Chemo to be so hard. Doctors have told me that I will probably have a 4th Cycle as the tumor seems to be effected by the drugs. I will know on the 21st December (Alyssa 1st b-day) the results of a CAT scan. This should tell me how much the tumor has shrunk and whether they wish to do a 4th Cycle. They also told me that I will need another 3 cycles of Chemo post operation! So that's another 3months of feeling like crap. At least it will all be worth it.

Below is what I was writing for my blog whilst having Chemo at hospital. Enjoy...Note that this was written at the end of a Chemo cycle and feeling my best.

I’ve just had a great idea…although it may take time to get everyone on board, and I’m not sure on the marketing strategy. Here goes….what about selling empty paper bag (use paper bags because it’s more environmentally friendly) with the following text printed in bold letters…”Warning, does not contain, milk, nuts or any other allergic substance”. I bet they’d sell by the bucket load. Actually, what would you call a large number of bags? A bunch of bags? What about a gathering of bags? Any ideas?

Oh, just one last brain wave on bag theory. I could sell empty bags with the following message : “contains dark matter”, which would be true! And no one could prove otherwise. I think this chemo is getting to my brain a little bit. Actually I’ve not had any chemo drugs as yet, instead I’ve been pumped full of fluid to protect my kidneys until the Chemo drugs turn up. I’ve been waiting ages, apparently the pharmaceutical oncology department as trying to get it to me asap. I’m thinking of going down there and either pretending to faint or get a placard and picket the entrance until I get my drugs. Shirin does not think it is such a great idea. I’m going to keep trying until Shirin gives up and joins the picket too. Hey, I just got my first paper bag….I’m going to write a message on it and post it to someone.

I’ve been trying to find a wifi connection. There’s about 10 networks, but they’re either secure, or do not actually connect to the internet. Hence I’m having to write my blog in Word and then copy to Blogger later today. I am determined not to feel as sick today, which is going to take a lot of will power and a lot of distraction. I think I might go and do a bit of Christmas shopping, I feel like spoiling myself. I’ve seen quite a few shooting gallery type games and thinking of purchasing one. But then it’s only 7 more days until my Nintendo WII turns up, and it might come with a shooting game.

I’m also thinking a little more about my Chilli Sauce website and could do with some help on progressing the theme. I suppose that a website devoted to Chilli Sauce would be good, but rather restricts the products that can be discussed on the website. Does anyone know how to hook google earth to a website? I’d love to be able to navigate through google earth to different countries and see reviews on Chilli Sauces. Anyone have some spare time to help me develop it? I’ll get the hosting sorted out and have a very basic template for the site.

Warning, this paragraph is about wee, please skip if you’re not keen in wee.
I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but one of the Chemo drugs turns your wee Red. I’ve also noticed that one of the vitamin tablets turns your wee yellow. Now all I need is something that would turn my wee Blue and I’ll have all the primary colours. Then the world is my oyster as I’ll be able to wee in any colour! Yet another benefit of being diagnosed with cancer. By the way, I no longer have to pay for congestion charging.

I’ve been trying a few other techniques to help with the sickness I’ve been feeling. I tried reflexology, which was fantastic. It stopped the sickness feeling almost immediately and lasted for about 2 days. Today I was offered aromatherapy which also cured my sickness. I’m not sure whether this is purely psychosomatic or whether there really is some cause and effect. Who cares as long as it works.

I’ve decided that I’m not going to travel home straight after treatment today and the journey would be during rush hour. Last session I visited some friends who kindly put up with me whilst I babbled about this and that. They seem to be busy this week so I’m going to buy some essential oils as recommended by Paula, my aromatherapist and then take a trip down up Hamleys. It’s been years since I have been there. I bet they still have staff throwing paper aeroplanes at the main entrance. I want to check out the radio controlled car section. Yes, I already have may radio controlled cars and I’m not going to get another one. I just want to have a look at them. The latest radio controlled car I’ve bought is a monster. About the same size as Alyssa. I stopped using when I hit the neighbours BWM with it, no damage but an awful load bang. I’ve changed the number plates on my RC car so they won’t be able to trace me!
I wonder if you would have to pay congestion charge if you built a full sized RC car? I suppose it would be exempt if it was electric. They would be much more fun to drive and you could joust fellow commuters off their RC cars using the RC aerial.

The above paragraph was due to the effects of Spearmint essential oil inhalation. I would recommend it to all of you if would want to get high without doing hard drugs. They should pump this stuff on the underground. It would be a much better atmosphere and maybe even people would talk to each other.

Over the last few days I’ve been thinking about what I would like to do with the rest of my life. In particular, what career I should go into. I am still thinking about going back to testing software as I enjoyed it quite a lot. Well, it was more the people than the actual job. I’ve noticed that all my hair has pretty much fallen out except the grey hair! Which I think makes me look a little like a scarecrow. Now that would be a cool job. Running around fields chasing crows. I’ve never really liked crows. They’re one of the few animals that just do not make the effort. I’m sure you understand? Well, all they seem to do is just ‘crow’ and I’ve never judged a book by its cover. Hence I feel that crows have an ulterior motive. I guess if I catch a crow I could always question it. Maybe hypnotise it until it tells me all…. Have decided that maybe spearmint essential oils are a little stronger than I first thought, you have been warned.

I’ve been asked by some people to give an update on any good offers I come across whilst surfing the web. So here goes…

Staples the office supply store are selling off their old Archos MP4 players. I think they are about 50% off the normal price. Unfortunately you cannot but them on-line but have to go in-store to buy them.

A friend is going to tell me about a website that gives you free cash to put bets on. I’ll let you know more about that when I get the info. – comet auction off their ex-display items

Energy Levels: 2/10
Sickness Level : 8/10