Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Surgery date looms close

Just went to see the surgeon. Things are looking good, although they try and not be optimistic. I think all doctors try and think the worst and not get your hopes up. I think I've done pretty well, I've managed to get through chemo and the tumor has shrunk so small that they cannot see it on a CT scan. The chance of that happening is just 10% I believe.

As most of you know, I'm not the most optimistic person. I consider myself a realist and those who know me well probably consider me a pesimistic. Over the past few months I've tried to be more optimistic and it has worked for some months. Generally when I get news about my progress I dwell on the 'what ifs' which is not a good thing to do. I imagine I'll do that for the next couple of days before picking myself up and getting on with enjoying life.

I'm compiling a list of things I should do over the next year and going to try and get out more so that I spend less time worrying about the future and more time just enjoying myself. I can't believe how difficult it is to simply just enjoy each day when you have something like cancer looming over you. I guess I better concentrate on my yoga and partying instead.

As for travel insurance, the best quote I have managed to get for 2 weeks in the USA is £2300. Not exactly cheap! I'll continue to search around in the hope I might get a better deal.

Oh, the operation is due for the end of Jan. I'll get confirmation by 3pm today.

Energy : 8/10
Sickness : 2/10
Eating : lots, putting on a few pounds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so, did you get confirmation?