Thursday, February 22, 2007

Back home in Kent

Wow....sorry it's been so long since I have updated this blog. It's been a hard few weeks. Thanks for all the phone calls and emails of support, as well as comments on the blog.

I'd like to say a special thanks to the RBS crew who sent me a cool card of me and Simon drinking a beer on the beach near Brick Lane, and the HMV vouchers which I shall enjoy spending.

Like I said, the operation went well and no complications apart from that the epidural didn't work...which meant that I was in a lot of pain and high on morphine. Morphine really doesn't agree with me, makes me feel quite nauseous. So I had to take high doses of anti-sickness which stopped me from digesting food properly. It was a little bit of a viscious circle. After about 10 days in hospital they got fed up with my moaning and said I ought to go home.

The first couple of days were okay, but then things started to go downhill again. I was loosing too much weight not eating and every time I ate I felt very ill. It's a common side effect of the surgery I have had. My stomach no longer knows when food is sufficiently digested to push through to my intestines. As a consequence I get extremly painful stomach aches, hot sweats, sugar lows and dizziness every time I eat. No wonder I'm going off food a little.

It should improve over time, especially once I sort my diet out and see what I can still eat. Seems like I need to stick to jacket potatoes, soup, ice cream and cakes at the moment. It's still going to be a couple of months before my stomach re-educates it self on how to digest food. It is going to be a long hard time.

At least I'm off the morphine which was a shock at first. It's amazing how much drugs can dull pain. The worst pain is from my stomach wound. At the moment I find it difficult to sit up straight or raise my arm for too long. I feel like I'm 80 years old.

Well, each day is getting better and better. So I can only hope that as the weeks go past I'll get off all the pain killers and start to enjoy eating food again. Sorry this has not been the most happiest of posts but its the truth.

Oh. visitors are welcome anytime! Its seems to help keep me out of bed and definately improved my energy levels. Be warned though, I may have to go to bed mid-visit if I get the 'dumping syndrome' (stomach ache/sweats etc).

Hope you are all okay.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jay,

Hang in there mate. 'Dumping syndrome' eh? Sure theres a joke in there somewhere but probably best left.

Hope your post-op recovery is a fast one.

All the best

Anonymous said...

Eat Centrum pills baby - one a day and you get all you need - you'll never need to eat food again. Thumbs down to food - thumbs up to pills - simplify baby don't complify

cory said...

Hi Jay,

Been keeping an eye on your blog. Glad the op went well and that you are back home! We wish you a speedy recovery and keep the spirit up. Love to Shirin and Alyssa. Delphine, Cory & Bump