Monday, February 26, 2007

Roller coaster of a day

Today didn't start off theat great. I had my usual egg and toast for breakfast (which is going to be upgraded to scrabled egg on toast with ketchup from tomorrow...need that protein) which didn't go down that well and started a ache in my tummy. Then went to Bluewater for a Jacket Potato from Spud U Like. Definately over ate which caused all sorts of stomach problems which lasted about 2 hours.

Watched deal or no deal, what a great programme, guy walked away with quite a bit of money. Pigged out a little more with a potato curry, ice cream and crisps. Then decided to go to Bluwater again to have my daily Starbucks Latte. As I sat down to wait for my coffee I noticed that one of the Elenor nurses who looks after me was sitting opposite. She looked over but didn't give any indication of recognising me, so I went and asked Shirin if she thought it was her as well. Turns out it was her, we had a nice chat and she said that she would come a visit me on Friday. She also mentioned that I looked like a thug...hoody and not shaved. Well, she didn't quite say that, but she was worried for a second before she recognised me.

I guess it's about time I had a shave. Hopefully someone at the young cancer group tomorrow will have some trimmers to shorten my beard, in which case I can then use my electric shaver at home (this has to be the most boring blog ever).

Anyway, the caffine has kicked in and I feel like partying. I think the adrenaline will start to pick me up over the next couple of days and I'll be my usual self again.

Speaking to the nurse (Bev), she had mentioned that quite a few people with cancer read my blog. You're all more than welcome to leave comments. I'm also going to start a blog specifically for cancer patient treatments and various tips and tricks I've learnt over the last 6 months. I've been extremely lucky in having so much support from friend and medics and I want others to benifit from what I know now. I'll let you know the blog address as soon as it is up and running.

I'm sure over the next few days this blog will be more fun to read, so keep coming back.

PS. Does anyone know how to set up a hit counter for this blog? It would be nice to track how busy the site is.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jay, great to see you're back on the computer keyboard and planning more publications.

Was great to spend time with you on half term. Even when you feel tired you find energy to smile and put up with a lummox like me. Your blog makes me giggle too, even when you haven't got a lot to say you do it with style.

By the way, I think your stubbly-hoody look could have its purposes, like convincing people to agree with you and getting served quickly in queues. Alternatively you could tie a scarf on your head and hop about pretending to be a pirate. Do you own an eyepatch or a parrot?


Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,
have an easy system for counting hits on blogs. you register and paste the HTML snipped somewhere on your main page. they take care of the counting.

Keep them postings coming until you're better, we'll blow the counter!