Friday, March 09, 2007


Looks like both Shirin and Alyssa have the flu and have been ill for the last few days. A couple of days ago we had to rush Alyssa to the hospital because her temperature kept hitting 40. Thankfully they're both getting better, although very slowly.

I called my mum over to help whilst everyone was ill. It was her birthday whist she was here but we didn't celebrate as no one was well.

I've started to get some trouble around my stomach wound. The scar has become very sensitive, so much so that even my t-shirt rubbing on it hurts. Tried to put a plaster over the wound but it kept falling off.

Hopefully getting my back massager soon. It is one that you attach to a chair and sit against. Can't wait to get it.

Otherwise, things have been okay. My brother's web development business is starting to really pick up. He is offering 10% of any sale to anyone who brings him business, His website is, try and check it out.

Weight : 9st 13lbs
Sickness Level : 2/10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope that you are all feeling better soon. Happy Birthday to your mum. Dev