Monday, March 12, 2007

Free Tattoos on the NHS

Yep, you read that correctly! Okay, there are some down sides. You have to go through 5 weeks of Radiotherapy. The tattoos are used to ensure that they hit the right spots when giving me the radio waves. The Merc died today, head gasket. Going to take at least 1 week to fix, which is a problem as I need to get to London everyday for radiotherapy. Found out that I can get a Free car since I receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA). The car company will take the DLA as payment for the car.

Still wondering what I am going to do for work in about 6 months time. I am hoping that I can get a part time contract role. Please keep an eye out for me.

Thanks all for reading this blog, I know you do as the counter keeps going up! Also, there are some people who are reading this blog in Switzerland, not sure who you are, but you're welcome.


Anonymous said...

just found the counter at the bottom of the page.How do you know that people from Switzerland have been reading your blog?
As for tattoos,get them to put Shirin and Alyssa's names on you.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Jay, I have been reading your blog avidly; sorry I aint been in touch...I really hope to see you soon...Do you get to choose your Tatoo???!!!
Raj D