Saw the dietition on Thursday. She was fantastic! She understood that most of the supplements will make me sick and therefore said not to bother with them unless they agree with me! This is so different from the other dietitions which would try and force me to drink supplements whether or not I liked them.
Also so my Oncologist who clarified that I will be getting much lower dose Chemotherapy this time around! So hopefully I won't be as sick. He also suggested that I pretent my scars were from a shark bite....sounds pretty good eh?
The dietition also put me on some drugs to settle my stomach and help with my digestion. I think they are starting to work. Went to Pizza Express to celebrate my brother in laws 25 birthday party and I managed to eat two starters. That is quite a lot for me. I have a feeling that if I continue the eating I will put on some weight. Also thinking of mixing up some protein power I used to use when weight training, that should help with my muscle mass which has almost dissappeared. On the plus side I've lost my love handles and any beer belly. May be I'll be able to fit into my old suits.
Shirin's cousin Ali also came for dinner last night. It was the first time that I had met him. A ver cool guy, who happens to work for a company that I used to work for. We had plenty to talk about.
My conversation skills over dinner are improving as I can no longer wolf down my food. I tended to finish my food and then talk afterwards. Now I have to space every mouthfull so I get to talk in between. I suppose it might not be so good for those who happen to have to listen to me!
Anyway, I feel all the more positive today. It's nearly 7am and I feel like having some toast. I've no doubt most of your are nursing a hang over from Friday night down the pub. Enjoy your day...I will
Weight : 10 stonish
Sickness : 1/10
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Chin up baby - whilst you got time on your hands - you could try to locate one of the '100 people surveyed for family fortunes.....I don't know anyone who has ever meet a single one of them.
that's great news all round mate. good to hear that you'll have less severe chemo.
since food is going down so well, I think you should make a trip to Percy Ingle's for old times sake!
you still talk more more than the average person. Dev
hang in there. will come and see you soon. love to Shirin and Alyssa, and you too of course!M x
Shark bite!!!more like big love bite perhaps.your after-dinner conversation skills would be even better if you waited after we left.
Dev xx
p.s Meena's worried because I gave you 2 kisses rather than her 1 kiss. If i was you I'd ask why she only gave you 1 kiss.
Hi Jay,you do have a blog!nice to see you today at the 'young cancer group'Gee!so many perks I think I will have to get cancer all over again.Jazz guy with one of his singers at the club on thursday 1.30 if you can tear yourself away from the lastest Jacket Potato craze at B/W.It's not Irish but hey-ho I will be there.
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