Thursday, March 01, 2007

A long stretch

Went in to hospital today to get my throat stretched. After the operation there are some internal scars which can shrink the diameter of my throat. It got to the point that I was having diffculty swallowing water and therefore becoming dehydrated. Thankfully the operation went with any problems and I can now drink water with ease. On the down side I wasn't allowed to eat anything solid today just in case I damage my throat.

Other then that spent most of the day sleeping as my appointment at hospital was at 8am!

sickness level : 2/10
weight : not sure and too lazy to go and check


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it went well today mate. hope you're back to eating jackets tomorrow!
hope you have a good weekend and see you on monday


Anonymous said...

I read your blog today and for some reason the song 'oo oo oo oo can you feel the force' came to mind - I can't see any relevance between that and what you wrote - but I felt the urge to write to bring a smile (even a wry one) to your face.