Monday, March 05, 2007

Not a bad day

Tummy decided not play properly today. I've often thought of giving it a couple of punches so it can feel the pain it's giving me. Watched a fantastic film today called 'Keeping Mum'. Not sure if it is anyone elses taste, but I enjoyed it.

I have the cancer group tomorrow. Looking forward to it. I want to give someone a game of chess, anyone up for the challange? Adrian, I still need to get a game back from when we played in Meribel. I think you took my queen after about 5 moves and I never won the piece back.

I've also been challanged by Christina to a game of net tennis on the Wii. I'll have to get my console back off my brother in law.

Eating: Pancake, crisps, ice cream, jacket potato
Sickness Level : 4/10


Anonymous said...

mate if you like chess I can't recommend laser death battle chess highly enough. check it out:

yes - its really called khet but thats boring

Anonymous said...

Little Miss Sunshine is a fun movie if you haven't seen it already, worth watching.


Anonymous said...

Music and Lyrics - Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore - reminds me of your dancing days.


Unknown said...

See, I do occasionally read your blog (nice counter by the way)
