Saturday, March 31, 2007


Not much has been happening over the last few days. My brother in law has gone back to Karachi. I was hoping that he wouldn't get a seat and have to stay with us longer. Apart from that the only change has been in my breathing. I noticed that I was breathing more and more shallow, which is a problem in case I get a chest infection. So I started my yoga breathing exercises. They were much harder to complete that before.

My breathing hasn't improved with the exercises. In fact my chest seems to be getting tighter and tighter. I hope I'm not getting a chest infection.

Going to hand in some Motability forms at the VW showroom today so that I can get my car next week Also going to do a little shopping.


Anonymous said...

hi, was sent your way by a friend of yours, Al, - have just found out my Dad has incurable cancer and have been finding it tough (he's only 55). Al thought it might help to read your blog. Its been inspiring hearing about your treatment. Best wishes Em x

Jay said...

Hi Emma,

Sorry to hear about your father. If there is anything I can do to help, please do not hesitate to ask. Also, you might want to speak to my wife in terms of caring for someone with cancer. You can email if you wish at I am glad that this blog has helped you. I wanted to help others in some way when I started this blog.