Thursday, April 05, 2007

I Feel Sick :(

Anyone watch American Dad? It's fantastic! I've watched 4 episodes today so far. I would recommend it to all of you. Also drove my new car today, quite fast and nippy. It's the first time that I have bought a new car.

I've been feeling very sick the last few days. Throwing up lots and not eating very much. Although my appetite is still good. I've also noticed that my nose bleed is getting worse each day. I was zapped by the x-rays earlier today and then met with the dietiton and oncologist who look after me. The were concerned that I had lost so much weight and are thinking of putting a NG tube in from my nose to my stomach so that they can feed me. I'm not looking forward to it, but it beats feeling sick all day. I can only manage jam sandwiches and pizza. Trust me, it gets boring after a while!

Have a busy weekend lined up, with people coming to visit over the Bank Holidays. I hope that I'm well enough to see them.

Weight : 9 stone 10lbs
Sickness : 6/10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay - How could you ever get bored of jam sandwiches!!!!
Hope the new car is everything you expected! I am missing you guys so much and really do wish i could have stayed longer.
Hopefully I will be back quite soon and then we can spend some serious time down at Borough market!!!