Tuesday, May 29, 2007

2 and a bit weeks to go

Can't wait for this all to end. Really starting to get fed up with needles being jabbbed in to me ever 3 days. Also the sickness is getting a little worse since I came down on my meds. Have decided to up the meds again, just doesn't feel like I'm improving very quickly. I suppose I need to be more patient and I only have just over 2 weeks to go.

I really want to get back out there and meet up with everyone. I've also seen quite q few jobs I'm interested in, but obviously can't interview for them in my current condition. I'm hoping there will be jobs out there in a few months time.

Summer is truely here, even if it rains a little. I want to be out in Convent Garden sipping on some wine and enjoying the sun. I had my first whisky in months a couple of nights ago, it went down well so may be I can start on the booze again soon.

Alyssa has changed so much in the last month. She picks up all sorts of words and can count to 10 except she sometimes misses out 9. At least I have the strength to play with her now. Not much else to say really. Oh, have started to watch Primeval and about to start watching Boston Legal, both look good so far.

Weight: 9stone 11lbs
Sickness : 4/10
Energy: 6/10


Anonymous said...

what do you mean? Rains a little! its been bucketing down! LOL Been trying to get out in the garden but no such luck - think I must have cursed the weather by buying a garden set!
Keep well!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Jay , remember a winner NEVER quits ! You're still in our hearts, minds and prayers .

Anonymous said...

Good to see you're writing again, I check your blog daily. Hope the next 2 weeks and a bit whizz by, and look forward to joining you for that sip of wine soon.
Lots of love