Tuesday, May 15, 2007


It has been a while since I have written my blog. The main reason being that not much has been happening. I'm still exhausted from the Radio treatment and spend most of my day in bed. The dizzy spells are getting better though, only had one today. I'm finding eating more and more difficult, which is not what I was expecting. I would have thought that now the Radio has stopped may by my digestion would improve. Turns out I feel slightly more sick every day. It could be due to my building up a tolerance to the anti sickness drugs or it could be that I'm pushing my eating boundaries a little. In any case, I wish I didn't feel so sick after eating.

Has anyone got any suggestions for programs to download that are worth watching? I've almost finished psych. I'm also watching Heros and 24. Any others I should consider?

Eating: lots but feeling sick
Sickness : 4/10
Energy : 4/10


Anonymous said...

Hi Jay
sorry to hear you're so bored. Not sure about programs to download but I love the CSI programmes so would recommend those!
Found out today my Dad could potentially have drugs to prolong his life but they won't give them to him as they are too expensive!!! Mum and Dad offered to pay for them but the doctors have said they won't consider it unless he goes private completely! Life's a bummer eh?
Makes me cross but I know there are plenty of people worse off, :-(
Keep up with the blog,
Emma :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,
I don't know if you are sick of medical dramas...but I love "House". See what you think if you are not too fed up of doctors!
P.S Thanks for plugging my cancer run, some of your friends are being really supportive...

Anonymous said...

Hey Jay, I love, love , love scrubs at the moment. If you're not sensative about the medical content, it is hilarious, and mostly about the people who work in the hospitals. I think its up to series 4 or 5, and worth starting from the beginning.

If you're a Simon Pegg fan, I've heard 'Spaced' was a really good series you could watch.

See you soon honey, what are we doing for your B'day?


Anonymous said...

hi mate,
i guess your still following lost and prison break.
hope the sickness goes away quickly, and your back on to jackets in no time