Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bounced Back!

Yep, I'm back and feeling pretty good. The tiredness from the Chemo/Radio has gone! Also my eating has improved and I'm starting to put my weight back on. I've spent the last few days moping about Bluewater. Shirin has been really good at keeping out of the house and out and about. It has made a big difference from lying in bed all day.

Went to the cinema for the first time in about a year. Saw Oceans was okay, no surprises. Also have tickets to see Ready Steady Cook! Celeb edition!!! I know it's sad but I like the programme. I've also been watching the tennis, at least Henman looks like he might win a few games this year.

What else....oh yeah, I'm looking for work. Please let me know if there are any contract/perm roles going. I'm looking to start immediately and would prefer something around London Bridge Station.

Now that I have my energy back I'll be calling you all to meet up for drinks. I haven't had a pint of guiness in ages and can't wait. See you all soon and thanks for your support, I won't forget it.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers Day!

I celebrated today by pulling out my NJ tube, the one that goes from my nose to my intestines. My nutritionist is not going to be happy with me about it. But I have seen some significant improvements. Firstly the pain I was getting when eating has almost gone. Secondly I can eat my easier (normally) which worry about getting the tube in the food. Thirdly I feel like I am truly recovering now as I have no tubes, pumps or syringes attached to me.

Going to celebrate fathers day by pigging out at Pizza Hut...looking forward to their unhealthy salads with lots of dressing. I hope that all the Dads reading this also have a good day.

Meeting the doctors on Thursday, needless to say they are going to be disappointed that the tube is going. I could always just stick the last bit up my nose and pretend it is all there. The docs had given me some cocaine based pain killers for my eating pain. The stuff is great, although I was warned not to take it more than 4 times a day. I didn't get a high but I felt in much greater spirits. I may have some left over if anyone is interested. It must be good stuff as you can only get it in hospitals.

Just watched the finals of Queens Tennis. What a good match. Can't wait until Wimbledon starts next week. Also the final of Britain's got Talent tonight. It's obvious that Connie is going to win. What an exciting day.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Finished Treatment!!!

At last, the chemo has ended. Actually I ended up finishing a day early because the sickness was getting too much. I'm starting to feel better already. I've lost quite a lots of weight as I have not eaten in the last 3 days. My nutritionalist was not happy with me. Hopefully now the sickness is wearing off I'll start eating more.

I back on steroids to help with the pain and tiredness. They will also increase my appetite so I should start putting the pounds back on. I think the hardest part has to be eating through the treatments,,,I've gone from 11 stone 3 to 9 stone 3 in 5 months. I'm sure some of you are envious of me losing so much, but trust me there are other ways of losing weight than what I've been through.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

One week to go!

Yes, I've started my final week of chemo and can't wait for it to be over. Just 7 more days and I'll have completed all my cancer treatment. I had to go to the local hospital today so that they could stretch my throat again, it was getting difficult to swallow. Whilst they were down there I asked them if they could see if I have any stomach ulcers. They didn't find any, so it is a mystery as to what is causing me pain when I eat.

I think I'm going to sleep through most of this week as the chemo is knocking me out. I barely get out of bed. I've found a new TV series to watch called Eureka. Definately worth watching. I've also started to watch blood ties, which looks a little dubious but I'll watch another episode to see if it improves.

Anyway, hope you are all doing well. Can't wait till I have some energy and catch up with you all in person. Not long now.