Thursday, June 14, 2007

Finished Treatment!!!

At last, the chemo has ended. Actually I ended up finishing a day early because the sickness was getting too much. I'm starting to feel better already. I've lost quite a lots of weight as I have not eaten in the last 3 days. My nutritionalist was not happy with me. Hopefully now the sickness is wearing off I'll start eating more.

I back on steroids to help with the pain and tiredness. They will also increase my appetite so I should start putting the pounds back on. I think the hardest part has to be eating through the treatments,,,I've gone from 11 stone 3 to 9 stone 3 in 5 months. I'm sure some of you are envious of me losing so much, but trust me there are other ways of losing weight than what I've been through.


Anonymous said...

You're a super-star Jay! You and Shirin have put a brave face on what we all realise has been a really tough time.

It was great seeing you the other weekend, you were on really good form. Maybe next-time we can go out?

As for piling on the pounds, its a terrible chore, but I guess you'll just have to fit in some Mexian food, some ice-cream and chocolate cake, but hey, you've been strong so far, you can handle this. I've been training to motivate you and managed to eat a third of a pack of cashews last night - good for 1000 or so calories. No need to praise me, I'm just doing my bit!


Anonymous said...

Well done Jay!! Congratulations on completing your treatment, I cannot imagine how difficult it must have been. I have a feeling that the next time I see you you'll go from 9 stone to 15 and pumped up like Schwarzenegger, now that you're on the 'roids!!!

but seriously, get well soon mate, and look forward to seeing you.Kyne

Anonymous said...

Brilliant news Jay - well done you've been a real trooper throughout the treatment. Hope to see you up in town for long lunches soon - need to pile on those pounds.
