Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bounced Back!

Yep, I'm back and feeling pretty good. The tiredness from the Chemo/Radio has gone! Also my eating has improved and I'm starting to put my weight back on. I've spent the last few days moping about Bluewater. Shirin has been really good at keeping out of the house and out and about. It has made a big difference from lying in bed all day.

Went to the cinema for the first time in about a year. Saw Oceans was okay, no surprises. Also have tickets to see Ready Steady Cook! Celeb edition!!! I know it's sad but I like the programme. I've also been watching the tennis, at least Henman looks like he might win a few games this year.

What else....oh yeah, I'm looking for work. Please let me know if there are any contract/perm roles going. I'm looking to start immediately and would prefer something around London Bridge Station.

Now that I have my energy back I'll be calling you all to meet up for drinks. I haven't had a pint of guiness in ages and can't wait. See you all soon and thanks for your support, I won't forget it.


Anonymous said...

sounds like you're really getting back on top of things! I'm really pleased for you.
My Dad's had his last chemo (probably) and they're giving him a CT scan in a couple of weeks time to see if its worth carrying on. He's hoping they won't as he's tired of the way it knocks him out.
I'm really pleased it's not beating you!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

It's great to hear you're feeling better, sending you big happy hugs
Naina & Riana xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,

Great to hear you are doing well now. I've often checked your blog to see how you are. About time I posted a comment!! Hope to see you soon - been too long.

Best wishes.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jay, Shirin - I know it's late, but happy anniversary for like 12 days ago - can't believe it's been so long, seems like yesterday!!!... ;o])

I've been meaning to post, but it's been hectic - am still at London Bridge at 9:04pm, and when I leave in a few minutes (hopefully), Shafaq's gonna be pleased that I'm home so early!!!...

Hope you're all cool...

Anonymous said...

Yay, Yay, Yay!!!

Drinks, outings, movies, I'm so pleased to hear you feeling energetic again.

Let me know what I can join in on, my school hols start next Friday 20th July. So far I have Rod and Christina's B'day and a lot of house renovations on the cards.

I wanna play!

Chirag Bajaria said...

Jay, mail me your CV - I'll see if I can get you something.
