Saturday, October 28, 2006

Chemo - Day11 - part2

Today has just been a really chilled day. Played a little Splinter Cell. Watched a Sinbad movie and listened to lots of music. Had lots of thoughts and ideas about the future. Nothing concrete as yet.

Shirin has ordered the snooker table, so it should arrive very soon. It'll be a good excuse to get you all over and have a game. Surprised by the lack of interest for the apartment in Spain. Please don't feel that I will be losing out on any's going to be empty till next's there if you want it.

Really missed Alyssa and Shirin today, it'll be good to see them tommorow. Just as well her cold cleared up quickly. Pants....just realised that the whole week has flown by and it's the weekend already. It's almost being like a student again, just vegging watching T.V. and playing games. It is nice, but I'm already needing to find things to do to keep me occupied. Even considering going back to work part time.

I think with any transition, it takes time to get used to change. I'm sure another month of chilling and I'll be an expert. In the mean time I'm going to get stuck into a few good books. A glass of wine is very tempting at the moment, better not though.

Sickness Level : 2/10
Energy : 7/10
Eat : plenty, 2 crossaints, 3/4 of a pizza, 2 curries, veggie juice...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news about the snooker table being ordered! You'll have to start some kind of league table I reckon.

Such a kind offer on the apartment mate - just wish I had the time to take you up on it.

Keep it up buddy, you're doing great - your blog is the main reason for turning on my computer each day.