Sunday, October 29, 2006

Chemo - Day12

Another chilled out day. Shirin and Alyssa came home which was nice. Then we took Alyssa to one of her friends 1st birthday parties. I was expecting chaos, but it was very well organised. There were plenty of activities for the kids and the adults had a good chance to gossip. I could get used to going to these parties, there are so many lined up this year.

Alyssa best friend Bethany took her first few steps today, she walked about a meter, which was fantastic. Her parents were so proud, and rightly too. Alyssa spent most of the time at the party chasing and trying to eat balloons, she had fun. I got to meet some of the other dads there too.

When we got home I was exhausted, so I had a little nap. Well, it was actually 5 hours. I woke up at 10pm knowing that I would not be able to sleep all night now. I consoled myself by eating a family sized apple crumble by myself. That has got to put on a few pounds for me.

Alot of people have suggested that I ought to take on Shirin's local web site... and I am seriously thinking about it. I might need some help with a mail shot, so I hope you all own some good walking boots. The snooker table is arriving on Wednesday, so I was wondering when would be a good time to get you all around and play a few games? Is this coming weekend any good for anyone? If so, Saturday or Sunday?

WellI'm going to watch another episode of Prison Break in the hope that it might knock me out.

Sickness Level : 1/10
Energy Level : 7/10
Eat : 1 Big crossaint, Roasted Veggies with Bisto gravy, chips, pear drops, curry, 4 * apple crumble.
weight : 10st


Anonymous said...

Hey Jay,

The blog is great thanks for keeping us all updated.

I hope your still doing the breathing exercises, the build up of chi/prana will make u feel positive about everything and if your lucky
you may even get a natural high!!, i do sometimes. Also let me know if i can teach u any more yoga moves.

To pass the time check out spread betting, you can bet on sports, shares, commodities etc.
It is a good way of making tax free money! There are a few companies that do it check out the one below:

Thanks for the offer to stay in Spain, next time im there ill spend a couple of days at yours and a couple at mine!

My neaphew Yadav started crawling for the first time last week, We have to get Alyssa and Yadav to meet, i think they would have fun.

Guess what im at work next weekend but Prashna and myself will try and meet you soon.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Hey Jay,

> It's almost being like a student again, just vegging watching T.V. and playing games.

Maybe in your day!! :) Trust me I wish being a student was that simple....(but on the Xbox front, one game you must play is Halo!! Playing online Halo is just so much fun)

Check this link out:

A few trick shots for you to learn on your new table. :)

I'm sure you'll pull through, and keep on blogging!!!


Anonymous said...

snooker sounds fantastic......its been ages since i last played (not that it wud make any difference - i'll still beat jram and lose to u!!!)
i'm in the final week in the lead up to the will have to miss out on this weekend.

Have a suggestion for something to keep u occupied. Its this new puzzle game called tantrix and is totally addictive - keeps the mind active too. Check this out....

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,

glad to hear youre keeping busy. If you get bored at home, you can always come visit us for lunch/ coffee or even a visit to the Tate gallery which you've wanted to do! I am sure I can twist Marks arm and get him to come along?! :)

There are lots of fun movies out in the else...the Xmas lights will be on soon; I am sure Alyssa would enjoy seeing them.

Its Halloween tomorrow, how about carving out a fancy pumpkin(a bit messy, but hey its all good fun)...I wont suggest going trick or treating though...! LOL!

Take care and keep blogging!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,good to hear that you're feeling better.Hmmm,Chess- for stimulating the brain cells although I'm pretty sure that you used to be pretty good when we were at QMW!!!
Have a look at
if you really get stuck on Splinter Cell, or if you just want some tips.
If you get any good at the spread betting stuff, or indeed any money-making scheme, then let me know and you can make me some money as well.Anyway I'm coming around yours on wednesday to test your snooker table.Dev

Anonymous said...

Jay,learn how to juggle,practice magic,buy some puppets,learn an instrument (or preferabley a few for a one-man band), paint your face and become a children's entertainer!!!Or set up a business for organising kid's parties.Sounds like you have a few that you could organise this year.

Anonymous said...

Hi mate, good to hear that you had a good weekend. Sorry I couldn't see you yesterday. got held up at calais with major delays and didn't get back till late.
can't wait to give you a game on your new table. will try and come over on the weekend.
Have you found your chess pieeces?