Friday, October 20, 2006

Chemo - Day4

At last, I also feel normal. I get up and do my yoga first thing and I have managed to eat some toast for breakfast. I am sitting in the living room writing this blog.

Might try and get out a little today. Poor Shirin is runing all over the place getting food and meds whilst looking after Alyssa. My mum is coming by train today, hopefully she will be able to look after Alyssa and give Shirin and well deserved break.

I spoke to Jayaram last night, said he might try and pop around on Saturday.

I have decided I need some help from my friends.

1. I need some hobbies. So far people have mentioned knitting/painting. Any other ideas?

The PICC line in my right arm does limit its use somewhat. I think that snooker and bowling are out of the equation.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,
Excellent blogging.
Hobbies, eh?
Maybe some light gardening might be good? Gets you out and about and doesn't have to be too strenuous. If you want to and need any help to get started give me a shout and I'll help with any manual labour. Maybe you could grow some veggies then you could eat em too!
Take care mate,


Anonymous said...

Hi mate,
Nice blog action :-) You could combine the vege growing with getting that chilli sauce site up and running. Stir -fry tastic!
Talk soon - Al

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,

I didn't know that you have cancer - sorry to hear that. It sounds like you are handling it well, which is good. I think that this 'Blog' is an excellent idea! I have thought of a hobby for you...card making. You can get quite simple templates and you could make birthday & Xmas cards. It is really nice to receive cards that people have made, as it means that they have put time and effort into it. I am not crafty at all, but I made my mum a card for her 50th last week. It was quite simple and she loved it!!

Anyway, keep us updated on your progress and I hope that everything goes well. I will try and find some gossip to tell you!!

Take care.

Debbie (Whyte)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,
Debbie sent me your Blog. Very sorry to hear of your illness.
Not sure if you would call this a hobby, but when I have spent weeks in hospital and months at home on sick leave, I got hooked on jigsaws, the more complicated the better. I have several you could have - my daughter could bring them round as she lives near to you!
I wish you a speedy recovery.

Jan (Thomas)

Anonymous said...

dude, I am so glad to hear from you :) heard it was cancer but always knew you were a fighter, don't give up will you? we're all rooting for you!
hobbies? how about dreaming up all the places and beautiful things you're going to show Alyssa and Shirin once you're ready for travelling?
i'm still at work of all places! but so believe that you're gonna pull through this and show the survivors how it's done.
rs 07849

Anonymous said...

it's really good to hear from you, you share your experiences in a most eloquent way. Keep it going mate, we're praying for strength and no nausea for you! Have you thought about photography? you live in a beautiful area, it's not too strenuous on your PICC line (use a tripod), you can learn and experiment endlessly, and can share your pics with all of us on-line too!!
Kyne and Serpil

Anonymous said... more thing mate. would you fancy learning to play the guitar?
Also, do you play chess?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay ...... such a smooth blog action ... real cool. Focus on the painting!! John