Saturday, October 21, 2006

Chemo - Day5

Wow - great response on the blog comments. It is great fun reading through them all. Keep them coming. Thanks for all the advice on hobbies. I would love to take up gardening, but the doctors 'say no' as the chemicals can mess me up. So far, I think that chess has been the best suggestion. I would love to take up painting, but I know it'll be crap, so I'm not going to start. Shirin is definately the artistic person in this family.

I hope everyone is having a great Diwali. Thinking of putting a little fireworks display on for Alyssa. I know that she would love it. My mum, brother and Shirin's dad came to visit today. The house was a little busy, but it was nice to see everyone. Dad had bought a video camera and I'm going to start using it. Hopefully I will catch Alyssa's first steps on it.

PS. Anyone any good at chess then?

Energy: 6/10
Sickness Level : 1/10
Eat: Parata, Veggie Juice, Jacket Potato, Nachos

(Chemo - Day4 evening)
Just when I thought I was feeling a lot better, my right arm starts hurting and I notice a little bleeding near the PICC line. I phone up Guys Hospital and they say that I should come in, but I can take my time. Shirin helps me back a bag for the night and then we drive to London. After much waiting the SHO turns up and says there really is nothing to worry about. There are no signs of a clot and the wound has no visible infection. She still takes some blood just to be sure. The results of the blood test are good. No infection. It seems that some people, like me, react to the Chemo drugs and it makes your veins sore. It feels like I have just tried to lift a car with my right hand. I guess I will have to get used to the pain, I don't want to take pain killers in case I can't feel something else go wrong. Also have a slight ringing in my ears today.


Anonymous said...

As you've still got one good arm you can get cracking on painting my kitchen! That ought to keep you amused for a week or so!

Failing that one of my friend's started entering lots of competitions when he was in hospital. He has won the most unusual prizes, (I must ask hime what he did with the jetski!) - but is also utterly addicted!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,

Good to hear from you. Hope you had a good Diwali and enjoyed all those yummy ladoos and other goodies? (For those reading who don't know what a ladoo is? It a friend of Jay called Raman. Only joking. Its an Indian sweet).

Anyway, things are ok with me. Was in Frankfurt last week on a training course. Wasn't all fun and had loads of work to do and not enough leisure time. Still managed to go into town 1 night and find a nice pub. Had fun with the waitress coz she kept giving me beer with loads of head. I mentioned this to her and she kept asking me whether I liked head. I obviously replied "yes" so she promised me good head next time... Oh the toilet humour we head.

Anyway, so you're interested in a hobbie where you can only use 1 arm? Let me think? EEeeerrrrrmmmmm...... Connect 4.
I think Rodney is right. Online poker or other online games. We'll try and set up a session when everyone is available and we'll virtual cash. It'll be so geeky.

Right, better get back to work and bid on a few items on E-bay. Wishing you a speedy recovery and before you know it, you'll back to eating you chips in pitta.

Take care and hope to catch up with you soon when I get rid of this cold.


Anonymous said...

Hello mate,

Heard this news and couldn't believe that it can happen to you. I am sure you will get over this and back to your good old self soon. As I can see from your posts that Shirin is absolutely incharge and making sure you recover fast but if you need anything, just drop me a line. Hopefully see you sometime after when you do get some time off the Chemo sessions.