Sunday, January 28, 2007

Friday night and no hangover!

Firstly, thanks to all those who managed to make it to Fuego's on Friday night. It was fantastic to see you all. Also, many thanks for all the kind wishes for the nex couple of weeks. I think this is the first time in a very long time that I have come home from a Friday night party stone cold sober. Yes, I was just drinking lemonade and cokes for the night...I know it's hard to believe.

All of you asked what ward I will be staying at, the details are as follows :-

St Thomas's Hospital (Waterloo and Westminster bridge stations are the closest).
Northumberland Ward (11th Floor, North Wing)
There are a number of phone numbers, not sure if they work though....

0207 188 8866
0207 188 6782
0207 188 4070
0207 188 4071

And of course you can try me on my mobile.

The operation should start on Tuesday and it might not be till the end of the week before I feel up to taking calls and visitors. Shirin said that she would update this blog when I'm my usual talkative self. Also, please remember that I will not be able to eat solid food for about a month, so no grapes/fruit/veg etc... although a minced Spicy Bean Burger might be tempting.

I plan to spend most of my time in hospital reading, watching films and boring the crap out of the other patients. I feel sorry for them having to put up with me for two weeks! Also thinking about setting up my roulette table on the ward, may as well try and make a profit. The ward is suppost to have a great view over London, so I expect you all to be waving from your office windows during lunch times...cause I'll be waving to London (unless I'm busy winning roulette).

I'm fully prepared for my stay, Shirin bought me some ear plugs and an eye mask so that I can get some sleep at night. After the operation they are going to place me opposite the nurses station, so I guess I'll have a good view....lucky nurses....lucky me!

I was going to take some sand along to the ward and spread it around my bed. Take a few cocktail umbrellas and sun cream and make it a real holiday. I hope the other people on the ward have a sense of humor.

Fingers crossed I'll be back at home within 2 weeks and on solid food in a month (that's when you can start sending the chocolates). Within 3 months I should be able to eat 80% of everything I ate before. I'll have to stay away from hard to digest foods such as bananas and cabbage.

Hopefully I will see you all during my break at Villa St Thomas, but no pressure. If you're busy at work etc then a quick comment on the blog would be more than sufficient. I wonder how much an esophogus would go for on ebay?

Sickness : 1/10
Eating : Far too much!
Weight : Heaviest I have ever been. Refused to dance at Fuegos as my tummy kept on wabbling.

Spent most of Saturday sleeping.


Anonymous said...

Best of luck Jay, hope it all goes well.. the poor nurses have no idea what's about to hit them!!


Anonymous said...

how about some ear plugs for the other patients, so they can put up with your snoring? or a face mask for Raman for when he visits you, so he doesn't scare the other patients.I've heard of different ways to get a cheap place to stay in central London, but this is just going too far.Anyway, glad you enjoyed friday.
p.s I've already warned all the nurses about you, and the male ones are particualrly looking forward to your visit.

Anonymous said...

lots of love and hugs.
Meena x

Anonymous said...


Best of Luck. There's always Basel 3 to be getting on with, when you get out of hospital. And it's not true that the theatre nurses lift up the patient's gown and give marks out of ten. But you could always ask.


Nigel Davis

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,

All the best for the op. I know you'll be up and around in no time trying to find the nearest guiness brewery. Was good seeing you last Friday. I know you'll probably be resting this week so hopefully will come and see you next week. I'll see if I can burn some dvd's for you. I know how much u enjoy your Indian films.