Saturday, February 03, 2007

Jay's Recovering Well

Hi all, Shirin here. Just a quick update as promised to let you all know that Jay had his surgery last Tuesday as planned, and is recovering well. There have been issues with pain control, but I'll let Jay fill you in on the details when he's recovered.

If any of you want to visit him, visiting hours are 2-8pm daily. Please call me first to let me know you're coming...07958204120

He's on Northumberland ward - 11th floor North Wing (St Thomas's Hospital)

Take care and thank you all for your texts, emails and calls.


Anonymous said...

Hi Shirin, I'm visiting tomorrow if that's ok.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear you are recovering OK and its now behind you :-)

Get well soon mate!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your pain issues earlier on and fingers crossed for the next few days mate. Would have loved to have visited you but with collection of chest bugs and nasties I don't think it's such a good idea.

Will visit when I'm 'disinfected'.

Take care and get well soon.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're on the mend.. keep up the high spirits.
