Friday, April 20, 2007

Back home in Kent for the weekend

Hello all! It's nice to be back home again. Especially to see Alyssa. I'll be going back to the ward on Monday, but I'm not sure what they have planned for me after that. I think they want to put me up in a hotel for the remainder of the week. Not sure what the rooms are going to be like, I imagine pretty basic. Also I'll probably need lots of visitors as sitting in a tiny room is going to drive me mad. At least on the ward there are other people to talk to.

The ward is very noisey at night. There's a guy who I call Jar Jar Binks (from Star wars) because he sounds just like the character. I've had many the urge to go and thumo him one, especially when he's on the phone at 10pm talking at the top of his voice.

There is also a chap sort of opposite me, who is really not doing very well. He seems to spend the night throwing up. The sound and smell is bad. I feel for him, but he does stop me sleeping sometimes. I plan to get some good sleep this weekend.

I think I'm going to be near London Bridge for the remainder of my Radio treatment (3 weeks).
My weight has stablised at 9 stone 7.5 lbs which is quite low. I'm being fed overnight through a tube to get some extra calories in me. I had a urge for a Spicy Bean Burger last night and walked to Burger King in London Bridge Station only to find out that they do not sell them there. They sell all the other burgers! I might have a Bean Burger tonight to make up for it.

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