Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jays back at Guys

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to give you all an update. Jay's back at Guys - same ward as before (Hedley Atkins Unit, 8th Floor, New Guys House).
He's had an NJ tube put in on Monday, and they've started giving him supplemental feeds through it. He'll hopefully be allowed home for the weekend again, and then either go back in to Guy's or a local hotel on Monday.
You are all more than welcome to visit him at the hospital (2pm - 8pm).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi Jay,

hope they can feed you some guinness through the nj tube:)missed you at the 'tuesday club'
Declan just back from sking with no broken limbs 'anoher miracle'anyway hurry up and get back to nomal Jay as Andy is waitng to take you up in a very small plane.

God bless