Saturday, April 14, 2007

Back home

It has been a very hard week. I was almost ready to quit all chemo and radio therapy on Thursday as I was feel so sick. The nausea was terrible as well as the pain. My morale was at its lowest for a long time. Thankfully by Thursday evening the docs had fitted me with a syringe driver which pumps anti-sickness drugs directly under my skin. With in hours I was feeling much better! The docs have let me go home for the weekend but want me back on Monday.

The plan for next week is to fit a feeding tube via my nose to my stomach on Monday. It means I will be walking about with a tube hanging out of my nose. Not a very nice site but it had to be as I am losing too much weight. Once the feed is up and running they are going to give me a room at a hotel on site. I have stayed there before, the rooms are tiny and very basic, but at least I won't have the commute every day.

Had an impromptu party last night when Rodney and Reenah couldn't find baby care and then decided to have dinner at ours. Reena and Victor, who were supposed to be meeting Rodney and Victor came around as well. I just wished I had more energy to spend time with them, I spent most of the evening resting in my room. It was really nice to see them though.

I'm going to chill out this weekend and not do much at all. To be honest I bearly have the strength to sit up for any period of time. Hopefully that will change once the start the feeding on Monday. Fingers crossed this weekend will go smoothly. Thanks for all your comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad to hear that you're feeling better compared to last week.When are you going to be in London?Dev