Monday, April 02, 2007

I've been nuked!

Well not quite. The radiation they are subjecting me to as part of my treatment is actually high dose x-rays. My appointment was at 2:30pm however, one of the machines had broken down which led to a 2 hour delay! I didn't leave the hospital until 5pm. The procedure was painless and took only 10 minutes. I hope the other appointments are not as delayed. Judging by the rest of the people waiting, it seems common for there to be long delays. My plan is to bring in a box of chocolates for the staff in the hope that they might speed things up for me.

I was in extreme pain most of last night because I ate an apple and didn't peel it. I think the peel had got stuck in my intestines and caused horrific pain. I'd taken all my pain killers but nothing helped. In the end I took some sleeping tablets. Still hurting a little today. I really can't go through that again. As a consequence I haven't eaten today. Not sure what the dietition going to say about that. I don't care at the moment, so long as I'm not in too much pain.


Anonymous said...

liquidiser required, but remember an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Meena wants to know if she needs to bring you some easter eggs on friday.

Jay said...

No eggs required. Thanks all the same.

Anonymous said...

Actually Dev & Meena, ignore Jay. All eggs of the chocolate variety will be gratefully recieved!!!!

Just kidding. Looking forward to seeing you both xx

Anonymous said...

Hey man, did you know - that your blog is blocked in China - somewhere, somehow you've managed to state something contradictory to Chinese thinking, happy Easter baby.