Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Jay's Back In Hospital

Hi everyone, Shirin here. Just wanted to let you all know that Jay was admitted yesterday to try and sort out his nausea and weight loss. He'll probably be in till Friday.

He's at Guys Hospital (London Bridge), Hedley Atkins Unit, 8th Floor New Guys House.
Visiting daily 2pm - 8pm


Anonymous said...

been reading Jay's Blog, he doesn't know me but my thoughts are with you both

Anonymous said...

Hi Shirin,

I hope Jay makes a speedy recovery.. if you guys need anything, please let me know..

Donna x

Anonymous said...

Hi Shirin, please pass on our best wishes to Jay
Naina and Harry xxx

Anonymous said...

hi Shirin,
please give Jay our best wishes from the 'tuesday club'it's not the same without him,and hopefully see him next week.


Anonymous said...

Jay, thought I'd check out your BOG; its pretty cool!!!
Just come back from NYC it was amazing but ****kin freezing!!!! Reena bought lots of stuff and whinged about the cold.
As its spring we expected spring weather but when we got there it was snowing and I was wearing everything I had bought with me at once 5 t-shirts, 2 pairs of pants, 2 jackets etc,etc.

You're a good bloke Jay and I know you will get better soon.

Laters Vic....x