Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Alyssa first full day at nursery

Today was not much different from yesterday. Except I managed to not eat a Jacket Potato...I think I'm going off them. Alyssa had a great day at nursery today. She ate her food like a good girl and painted a picture for her Mummy. She only cried when Shirin dropped her off and when we picked her up.

Had some fantastic news yesterday. We finally received planning permission for our conservatory so it doesn't need to be altered of pulled down!

Got some good new today - just weighed myself and I've put on 1 pound!

Weight : 10 stone 1 lbs
Sickness Level : 2/10
Eat : crisps, 2 * large pancakes, 4 crackers with dairylea spread, grapes, 2 * kidney bean curry, coffee

Monday, February 26, 2007

Roller coaster of a day

Today didn't start off theat great. I had my usual egg and toast for breakfast (which is going to be upgraded to scrabled egg on toast with ketchup from tomorrow...need that protein) which didn't go down that well and started a ache in my tummy. Then went to Bluewater for a Jacket Potato from Spud U Like. Definately over ate which caused all sorts of stomach problems which lasted about 2 hours.

Watched deal or no deal, what a great programme, guy walked away with quite a bit of money. Pigged out a little more with a potato curry, ice cream and crisps. Then decided to go to Bluwater again to have my daily Starbucks Latte. As I sat down to wait for my coffee I noticed that one of the Elenor nurses who looks after me was sitting opposite. She looked over but didn't give any indication of recognising me, so I went and asked Shirin if she thought it was her as well. Turns out it was her, we had a nice chat and she said that she would come a visit me on Friday. She also mentioned that I looked like a thug...hoody and not shaved. Well, she didn't quite say that, but she was worried for a second before she recognised me.

I guess it's about time I had a shave. Hopefully someone at the young cancer group tomorrow will have some trimmers to shorten my beard, in which case I can then use my electric shaver at home (this has to be the most boring blog ever).

Anyway, the caffine has kicked in and I feel like partying. I think the adrenaline will start to pick me up over the next couple of days and I'll be my usual self again.

Speaking to the nurse (Bev), she had mentioned that quite a few people with cancer read my blog. You're all more than welcome to leave comments. I'm also going to start a blog specifically for cancer patient treatments and various tips and tricks I've learnt over the last 6 months. I've been extremely lucky in having so much support from friend and medics and I want others to benifit from what I know now. I'll let you know the blog address as soon as it is up and running.

I'm sure over the next few days this blog will be more fun to read, so keep coming back.

PS. Does anyone know how to set up a hit counter for this blog? It would be nice to track how busy the site is.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Feeling a little better

Today is the first day without any pain killers, which is a real step forward!

Made 2 trips to Bluewater today. The first was at lunch time to have a Jacket Potato to eat....yum yum. The only down side was that we had to hurry to the pharmacy to pick up some drugs and that unsettled my stomach quite a lot. I seem to be getting quite a lot of nausia, I'm hoping that it will settle down soon.

The second trip was in the evening when I really fancied a Starbucks coffee. I still had to drink it with a straw as the bubbles on top were difficult to swallow. I have spoken to the local hospital about my restricted swallowing and they said they might try and stretch my new aesophogus on Thursday. It only takes a few minutes but they have to knock me out first.

Also went to HMV and bought myself a few CDs, so thanks to the RBS folks again for the kind gift.

I'm due an upgrade on the 3 network and trying to get a good small phone. Any ideas anyone? There is a new Nokia out with 3 Meg camera. Or there is a Sony walkman phone which looks pretty cool too.

One of my friend's parents are going to use my place in Spain. I'm really glad they're going as the weather is 21 degrees....perfect. Wish I was out there too.

Also, I've got to start thinking about my next holiday. I was thinking about a cruise on a large liner. Has anyone been on a cruise or could recommend one?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Back home in Kent

Wow....sorry it's been so long since I have updated this blog. It's been a hard few weeks. Thanks for all the phone calls and emails of support, as well as comments on the blog.

I'd like to say a special thanks to the RBS crew who sent me a cool card of me and Simon drinking a beer on the beach near Brick Lane, and the HMV vouchers which I shall enjoy spending.

Like I said, the operation went well and no complications apart from that the epidural didn't work...which meant that I was in a lot of pain and high on morphine. Morphine really doesn't agree with me, makes me feel quite nauseous. So I had to take high doses of anti-sickness which stopped me from digesting food properly. It was a little bit of a viscious circle. After about 10 days in hospital they got fed up with my moaning and said I ought to go home.

The first couple of days were okay, but then things started to go downhill again. I was loosing too much weight not eating and every time I ate I felt very ill. It's a common side effect of the surgery I have had. My stomach no longer knows when food is sufficiently digested to push through to my intestines. As a consequence I get extremly painful stomach aches, hot sweats, sugar lows and dizziness every time I eat. No wonder I'm going off food a little.

It should improve over time, especially once I sort my diet out and see what I can still eat. Seems like I need to stick to jacket potatoes, soup, ice cream and cakes at the moment. It's still going to be a couple of months before my stomach re-educates it self on how to digest food. It is going to be a long hard time.

At least I'm off the morphine which was a shock at first. It's amazing how much drugs can dull pain. The worst pain is from my stomach wound. At the moment I find it difficult to sit up straight or raise my arm for too long. I feel like I'm 80 years old.

Well, each day is getting better and better. So I can only hope that as the weeks go past I'll get off all the pain killers and start to enjoy eating food again. Sorry this has not been the most happiest of posts but its the truth.

Oh. visitors are welcome anytime! Its seems to help keep me out of bed and definately improved my energy levels. Be warned though, I may have to go to bed mid-visit if I get the 'dumping syndrome' (stomach ache/sweats etc).

Hope you are all okay.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Back at home (Hatch End)

Just got back home last night from the operation. Everything went well. There were no complications. I'll have more to write tomorrow as I'm tired right now and off my head on morphine.

Thanks for all the visits, cards, gifts and support.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Jay's Recovering Well

Hi all, Shirin here. Just a quick update as promised to let you all know that Jay had his surgery last Tuesday as planned, and is recovering well. There have been issues with pain control, but I'll let Jay fill you in on the details when he's recovered.

If any of you want to visit him, visiting hours are 2-8pm daily. Please call me first to let me know you're coming...07958204120

He's on Northumberland ward - 11th floor North Wing (St Thomas's Hospital)

Take care and thank you all for your texts, emails and calls.