Monday, May 07, 2007

Not long to go

Only two more sessions of radio and I'm done! So from Wednesday I should be back home and recovering. I still have 5 weeks of Chemo to go, but it can't be as bad as the radio treatment.
Had a nightmare journey home from hospital on Friday, the traffic was terrible. Ended up stopping off at Rodney and Reenahs.

My energy levels are very low, can barely get out of bed. Hopefully when the radio stops my energy will return.

Many thanks for the offer of a flight, I'll definately take you up on that, although it may be a couple of months before I can fly. Kevin, you might want to plan the trip to Sweden without me and I'll join if I can.

The district nurse is supposed to visit today to change my sub cut pump. It's a needle they place under the skin to pump anti sickness drugs. It works really well for me. Sorry there is not anything exciting to write about, not much happens when you're lying in bed all day. I would recommend this TV series I've started watching called Pysch, it quite funny.

Energy : 1/10
Sickness : 2/10


Anonymous said...

Shawn or Gus?

Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't been to see you Jay. Things have been hectic at work, but hopefully should calm down soon.We're trying to implement a new SAP system at work,but are hitting a few problems as the business users don't actually know what they currently do, what they want to do, or what they should be doing,