Monday, October 30, 2006

Chemo - Day14

The end of my second week of Chemo. Much better than the first week overall. Almost back to normal barr the little sickness and lack of energy. Plenty to look forward to for the last week of Chemo (first cycle). 3 Nurses are turning up tomorrow to change my dressing and Chemo pump. Apparently there is a new nurse who has never changed a Chemo pump before so 2 additional nurses are going to make sure she does it correctly. I can imagine it's going to get quite crowded in my bed room...hmmm there's something to think about before I drift off to sleep tonight!

Also, the pool table is going to arrive on Wednesday, so I'm going to get some practice in. I think that Dev might be staying over as well. Should be a cool day.

I phoned the local Macmillon cancer clinic to see what services they offer people with cancer. They are supposed to provide lots of support including massage, aromatherapy, support groups etc. However, the lady on the phone wasn't very helpful. She said that I had to go in person to find out about the classes they offer and that I need to get a form signed by the GP. To be honest I can't be asked... its a long trip to get there and I'm certaintly not going all that way just to pick up forms. I'm sure the 3 nurses tomorrow will know about some closer cancer clinics.

Perks for people with cancer so far :-

1. Bluewater give free cinema tickets for any accompanying helper. Not sure how many helpers I can take to each showing,
2. Less than half price membership to the local gym.
3. Free use of all swimming pools - except I'm not allowed to go swimming whilst having Chemo. What genius thought that up? Why not offer me free booze and cigarettes as well?
4, Blue badge, so I can park in disabled parking spaces. Should some in useful when I go clubbing in central London. Although I'm not sure that's the sort of visits they were expecting me to use the badge for.
5. Big discount off my NTL the way they didn't ask for any proof although they might get a little suspecious if you all ring up saying you have cancer...not that I'm suggesting any of you would do that.
6. Doesn't exist but it I have cancer laminated ID card which you can show to people. It would allow many things such as jumping queues, getting people to carry your bags for you...I'm sure you will think of some other ideas.

Well I think that's enough for today.

Energy Level : 6/10
Sickness Level : 2/10
Eat : 1 big croissant & curry for breakfast, double helping of another curry for lunch, enchildas and ice cream for dinner.

Chemo - Day13

A pretty chilled out day again. Didn't get a chance to turn the Xbox on though. Raman and Bharat took me to a designer outlet park in Ashford. It was only a 30min drive from home. I am sure I'll be there again. Also went on to their website and printed off a 10% discount voucher which you can use in most of the stores there.

The stores are arranged in a large circle so it was easy to ensure that we didn't miss any shops. There were quite a few French speaking people, although why they would want to visit Ashford I am not sure. Turns out that I didn't but anything in the end, but both Raman and Bharat bought some T-Shirts. I might go back there on Tuesday to buy Alyssa some trainers from Reebok, it's buy one pair, get the second free. I would recommend the retail park to you all. Definately worth a visit if you're after suits, sports clothes or are female (Oasis etc).

Spent the rest of the day just vegging out at home.

Energy Level : 7/10
Sickness Level : 1/10 - discovered that pair drops stop my motion sickness in the car.
Eat : 1 big crossaint, 2 currys, jacket potato with cheese.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Chemo - Day12

Another chilled out day. Shirin and Alyssa came home which was nice. Then we took Alyssa to one of her friends 1st birthday parties. I was expecting chaos, but it was very well organised. There were plenty of activities for the kids and the adults had a good chance to gossip. I could get used to going to these parties, there are so many lined up this year.

Alyssa best friend Bethany took her first few steps today, she walked about a meter, which was fantastic. Her parents were so proud, and rightly too. Alyssa spent most of the time at the party chasing and trying to eat balloons, she had fun. I got to meet some of the other dads there too.

When we got home I was exhausted, so I had a little nap. Well, it was actually 5 hours. I woke up at 10pm knowing that I would not be able to sleep all night now. I consoled myself by eating a family sized apple crumble by myself. That has got to put on a few pounds for me.

Alot of people have suggested that I ought to take on Shirin's local web site... and I am seriously thinking about it. I might need some help with a mail shot, so I hope you all own some good walking boots. The snooker table is arriving on Wednesday, so I was wondering when would be a good time to get you all around and play a few games? Is this coming weekend any good for anyone? If so, Saturday or Sunday?

WellI'm going to watch another episode of Prison Break in the hope that it might knock me out.

Sickness Level : 1/10
Energy Level : 7/10
Eat : 1 Big crossaint, Roasted Veggies with Bisto gravy, chips, pear drops, curry, 4 * apple crumble.
weight : 10st

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Chemo - Day11 - part2

Today has just been a really chilled day. Played a little Splinter Cell. Watched a Sinbad movie and listened to lots of music. Had lots of thoughts and ideas about the future. Nothing concrete as yet.

Shirin has ordered the snooker table, so it should arrive very soon. It'll be a good excuse to get you all over and have a game. Surprised by the lack of interest for the apartment in Spain. Please don't feel that I will be losing out on any's going to be empty till next's there if you want it.

Really missed Alyssa and Shirin today, it'll be good to see them tommorow. Just as well her cold cleared up quickly. Pants....just realised that the whole week has flown by and it's the weekend already. It's almost being like a student again, just vegging watching T.V. and playing games. It is nice, but I'm already needing to find things to do to keep me occupied. Even considering going back to work part time.

I think with any transition, it takes time to get used to change. I'm sure another month of chilling and I'll be an expert. In the mean time I'm going to get stuck into a few good books. A glass of wine is very tempting at the moment, better not though.

Sickness Level : 2/10
Energy : 7/10
Eat : plenty, 2 crossaints, 3/4 of a pizza, 2 curries, veggie juice...

Friday, October 27, 2006

Chemo - Day11 - part1 payback

Hello All....I was wondering what I could do for you all. Other than entertain you with my most exciting adventures. Well after some careful thought and consideration I had a great idea. Yes I know I'm always having great ideas, but I'm hoping that this one is exceptional and someone better take up the offer or else!

As some of you may be aware, I have a nice little pad is Spain, Playa Honda. It's a fantastic place, front line beach, with 2 private pools, gym and sauna. It accommodates 6 people comfortably (1 double bed, 2 single beds plus a sofa bed in the living room). It has a large balcony over looking the Mar Menor (the largest natural lake in the world). The area has been voted one of the best places in the world to live by the world health organisation because of the natural mild climate all year round.

The apartment is fully furnished with all the pots and pans should you wish to cook. But why bother when there are so many places to eat out. There are lots of things to do, water sports, the best golf courses and a reasonable night life.

There are no bookings for the rest of this year, including the New Year week. Any of you can have the apartment for FREE for as long or short as you like. The only charge is 50 euro for laundry and cleaning.

I do not have a web site built specifically for my apartment. But there is a management company I am using to promote the apartment. Please ignore any prices quoted on their website, they do not apply to you. They have photos and more info, the link is....

Another website devoted to the development is

As for flights...the best airport to fly to is Murcia (San Javier). It is a 20 minute drive to the apartment. I would suggest renting a car for the duration of the holiday. There is a private parking space at the apartment.

I have been to the apartment twice, both times with Shirin and Alyssa. It is suitable for families as well as you young free and single folks. The people are very friendly and you don't really need to know any Spanish as everyone speaks English. The tempreture for November is 20 degrees, so it's not exactly cold.

Please Please Please take me up on this offer as I feel that at least I'm giving a little back....
Just let me know when you wish to go.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Chemo - Day10

Today was even better. Spent the morning playing splinter cell, well for an hour or so.
Still haven't got past that same level. I should have spent more time playing real time games with the Avanade crew.

An Ellenor nurse paid a visit to me today. She wanted to help with the various benefits claim forms and ensuring that I was coping okay. I think she was a little suprised that I was doing so well...I realise that is in a large part due to all the family and friends I have helping me, so thanks all again.

Reena bought some books for me to read last night which I have got around to starting. Actually I have been quite addicted to this book called 'The Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet'. The book is about the ancient art of Toaist Philosophy. Yes, the book is based around winnie the pooh and piglet, but the author has done a very good job of explaining complex theories with these cartoon characters. I would recommend you all to read it, you can borrow it when I have finished. Also forgot to mention that I saw Rodney, Reenah, Mia and Tilly yesterday. I still can't believe that Tilly has started walking. She has such a different character from her older sister too. Both were adorable.

Have sent wife and baby to the in-laws for a couple of days as Alyssa has a cold and I can't risj catching it. This has also given me the opportunity to dedicate tommorrow to Splinter Cell...Al, you must be proud.

I was wondering what the plus points of all this happening to me are. The list is as follows, but feel free to add...

1. Get to be moody for no reason
2. Get fed what ever you want, whenever you want
3. Don't have to lift a finger if I can't be bothered (hope the family don't read that one)
4. Get lots of new toys to play with.
5. Get some quality time to spend with family and friends.
6. Get to write this blog and keep in touch with you all.
7. Get to really think about what I want to do in the future.

With regards to playing poker, is there anyone out there who could teach me?
Also, once I have my snooker table, is it worth setting up a little game between us all?
Is there anything else that I should add to this blog or remove? I'd hate it to be a bore to read, I have to keep the audience interested!

Quick notes:

Sickness Level : 1/10
Eat : 2 crossaints, cheese and salad sandwich, 2 currys with rice and 4 roti, 2 ice creams ( I think my appetite is coming back).
Energy Level : 6/10
Weight : 10st 2lbs.
Blood Test results : good. Immune system ok, blood generally fit for purpose.
Films : 1

Chemo - Day9

Quite a good day altogether. Decided to stay in bed till 11:30 you wish you could do that! Then finally got my butt out of bed and opened the sexy xbox 360. Cool looking machine. Loaded up Splinter Cell and then got stuck....why are there so many buttons on the controller? In the good old days you were lucky to have 4 button. Anyway, after reading the instruction manual (the only way to work out what all these buttons do) I started playing the game. I managed about an hour before the motion sickness kicked in. I've always had a problem with real time games in that the movements are too realistic, and they cause me to feel a little queezy. Anyway, I managed to complete the first 2 parts of the first mission.

Then I really got stuck, so I called Rodney up. He seems to be going through a winning streak at the moment and thought that he could apply his luck to Splinter Cell. Sorry to say Rodney, you were crap....but thanks for trying.

Also thinking about getting a 6ft snooker table in the living room. It might mean me having to remove all the other furniture from the room, but I'm sure it will be worth it. The only other obvious problem is the glass windows....any ideas? I've been watching the snooker on TV, it's been years since I've done this. Some of the old players are still keeping up a good fight. The only down side is that BBC2 have taken off Ready Steady Cook to allow for the snooker. I'm not sure that even snooker is worth that sacrific. I'm sure you all agree right? No...well have a think about it. I have last years back catalogue of episodes should anyone require them.

Family came to visit later in the day. They suggested I ought to have a shave. I think they might be right. Managed to miss a meal by falling asleep during lunch. Oh, almost forgot. I went into the real world today...well Sainsbury's anyway. First stop was the fresh cake section. Needless to say, I do not think anyone will be worry about my calorie in take today. I still seem to have a real problem eating fruit, seems to get stuck in my throat much more than any other foods. A real shame since I love fruit so much.

Sickness Level : 1/10
Eat : 2 crossaints, 2 pastries, cheese and salad sandwich, chips, small snickers bar, fresh pinapple
Films : 0
Envergy : 7/10
Weight : 10st exactly.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Chemo - Day8

Phew, a last a day where I'm not feeling sick all the time. I didn't do much apart from veg around the house today, but at least I didn't spend the whole day in my room. I think the chemo drugs ran out last night, hence why I feel so good today. Not looking forward to when the district nurse turns up to change over to a new batch of chemo.

The nurse turned up early in the morning. I was expecting the changing of the drugs to be a little uncomfortable. Turns out that there was nothing to worry about, she was all done in a couple of minutes. She'd had plently of experience in changing the new chemo pumps. I was worried that I might have to show her the instructions they gave to me at the hospital on changing the pump. The instructions looks like something from a flat pack except they have been photocopied so many times that you can bearly read the print.

I had a surprise today. My in-laws said that a package had arrived at their address from Amazon for me. I had no idea what it could be, but thought it might be the yearly planner I was looking for and maybe my brother in law had bought it for me (sorry about the long unending sentenaces and spelling, it will be all proof read before I release my first book). Anyway, we're all standing there wondering what an earth it can be when I finally had a brain wave. Yes I opened the box.

Guess what was inside the box????

My new hobbie!....any ideas?

An xbox 360! Wow, I just want to thank all that contributed towards it. I'll start playing it tommorrow. Thanks BDR team, please make sure that all get a link to this blog so that they can keep up to date with my progress.

Considering just 1 month ago I had no consoles, I now have a Nintendo DS Lite (perfect for days at the hospital, my brothers playstation 2 (really so that Shirin can play Spyro) and now an xbox 360. It's like being a kid again.

Anyway, I just want to say thanks to all who have supported me so far. I'm not sure what I have done to deserve such great friends. I promise to return the favour to all one day....another reason for me to get better.

I'm going to sign off with e big smile on my face...looking forward to Wednesday, who knows what could happen!

Sickness Level : 1/10
Energy Level : 7/10 (going to be higher tommorrow with all the adrenaline pumping due to playing Splinter Cell)
Eat : Two Crossiants, Jacket Potato, Cheese Salad Sandwich, Chips and Cheese.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Chemo - Day7

A much better day. I was determined not to stay in bed all day. Shirin, Alyssa and I drove to Lakeside to a new store called ILVA. It's supposed to be a rival to IKEA. I have to say the store was much better than IKEA, although a little more expensive. I recommend you all to check it out.

Spent most of the day watching snooker, now there's a hobbie I can take seriously, i.e. watching tv. Got a call from Rodney telling me to get off my butt and write this blog. Well he didn't put it quite like that, but it certainly spurred me on.

The district nurse is coming tomorrow to change the chemo meds and dressings. Looking forward to the day. I'm going to try and get out a bit more tommorrow, maybe go to Bluewater.

Energy: 6/10
Sickness Level: 4/10 - drugs to control
Films : 1
Eat : Crunchy Nut Cereal (not to have this again though, makes me sick), Chips and Cheese, Roast Potato and Steamed Veg.

Chemo - Day6

Not much to say today. Lots of family came to visit but I was too tired to be good company. Dad about me an electric shaver as I am not allowed to shave with a razor anymore.

Spent most of the day sleeping. Shirin managed to sort out the pain in my shoulder so at least I was able to sleep well. Decided to take some pain killers to ensure a good nights sleep.

Sickness Level : 4/10 - had to take pills to control sickness
Energy : 2/10 - exhausted
Eat : Veggie Juice, Chips and cheese, something else...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Chemo - Day5

Wow - great response on the blog comments. It is great fun reading through them all. Keep them coming. Thanks for all the advice on hobbies. I would love to take up gardening, but the doctors 'say no' as the chemicals can mess me up. So far, I think that chess has been the best suggestion. I would love to take up painting, but I know it'll be crap, so I'm not going to start. Shirin is definately the artistic person in this family.

I hope everyone is having a great Diwali. Thinking of putting a little fireworks display on for Alyssa. I know that she would love it. My mum, brother and Shirin's dad came to visit today. The house was a little busy, but it was nice to see everyone. Dad had bought a video camera and I'm going to start using it. Hopefully I will catch Alyssa's first steps on it.

PS. Anyone any good at chess then?

Energy: 6/10
Sickness Level : 1/10
Eat: Parata, Veggie Juice, Jacket Potato, Nachos

(Chemo - Day4 evening)
Just when I thought I was feeling a lot better, my right arm starts hurting and I notice a little bleeding near the PICC line. I phone up Guys Hospital and they say that I should come in, but I can take my time. Shirin helps me back a bag for the night and then we drive to London. After much waiting the SHO turns up and says there really is nothing to worry about. There are no signs of a clot and the wound has no visible infection. She still takes some blood just to be sure. The results of the blood test are good. No infection. It seems that some people, like me, react to the Chemo drugs and it makes your veins sore. It feels like I have just tried to lift a car with my right hand. I guess I will have to get used to the pain, I don't want to take pain killers in case I can't feel something else go wrong. Also have a slight ringing in my ears today.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Chemo - Day4

At last, I also feel normal. I get up and do my yoga first thing and I have managed to eat some toast for breakfast. I am sitting in the living room writing this blog.

Might try and get out a little today. Poor Shirin is runing all over the place getting food and meds whilst looking after Alyssa. My mum is coming by train today, hopefully she will be able to look after Alyssa and give Shirin and well deserved break.

I spoke to Jayaram last night, said he might try and pop around on Saturday.

I have decided I need some help from my friends.

1. I need some hobbies. So far people have mentioned knitting/painting. Any other ideas?

The PICC line in my right arm does limit its use somewhat. I think that snooker and bowling are out of the equation.

Chemo - Day3

Still feeling pretty sick but manage to eat some.....chips!!! Also had a fruit/vegetable juice which Shirin makes for me fresh daily. Alyssa wants to play, but I can't find the energy. My mum and brother were supposed to visit today, but got lost on the motorway somewhere and headed back home.

Door bell rings and it's Rodney. This forces me to stay out of my room as we sit in the conservartory. I'm really happy to see Rodney, he picks up my Spirit and I start to feel less sick, (hense I eat chips). We have a good chat, but I can tell that Rodney is exhausted. After Rodney leaves, I go back to bed, but I feel much better.

Sickness Level: 6/10
Eat: Chips/ Fruit Juice
Energy: 4/10
Films : 1

Chemo - Day3

Still feeling pretty sick but manage to eat some.....chips!!! Also had a fruit/vegetable juice which Shirin makes for me fresh daily. Alyssa wants to play, but I can't find the energy. My mum and brother were supposed to visit today, but got lost on the motorway somewhere and headed back home.

Door bell rings and it's Rodney. This forces me to stay out of my room as we sit in the conservartory. I'm really happy to see Rodney, he picks up my Spirit and I start to feel less sick, (hense I eat chips). We have a good chat, but I can tell that Rodney is exhausted. After Rodney leaves, I go back to bed, but I feel much better.

Sickness Level: 6/10
Eat: Chips/ Fruit Juice
Energy: 4/10
Films : 1

Chemo - Day2 I feel sick. Can't stomach any food and starting to feel sorry for myself. I hope that the rest of Chemo is not going to be like this. I've asked Shirin to call Arif to check to see if there are any strong Anti-Emtics that I can take to stop me feeling so bad. Shirin bought a whole load of drugs from the pharmacy, none of them seem to be working.

I don't feel like talking to anyone and lie in bed watching films. I try and eat something (steam veggies) but my stomach starts to wrech. I end up going for a walk along the river in the hope that some clean fresh air might help. I decide to sit down on a bench and practice my yoga breathing, it does the trick and my stomach stops churning so much. I go home and straight to bed hoping that tomorrow won't be worse.

Sickness Level : 8/10
Eating : very little.
Films watched : 2

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

First day of chemo

Hello All,

Well what a long day. It all started at 7am getting up and travelling to London Bridge by car. The car was packed with all the stuff we needed when we moved back to kent. There was barely enough room for Shirin and I. We arrived at Guy's Hospital just in time for my first appointment.

I was not looking forward to this appointment at all. I wasn't sure whether they were going to put a PICC (arm) or Hickman line (neck) in. Thankfully they went for the PICC line, this is much less traumatic. They put some local anesthic in my upper arm and then passed a wire down a large vein near to my heart. Unfortuantely the chap doing the operation accidently dropped the first line on the floor. Needless to say this did not give me much confidence in his abilities. Anyway 2 more tries and he is all done. After the opp I asked him whether that warm gushing feeling was my blood, it was!

So, now that I have a PICC line in, it was time to start the chemo. This was a very lengthy process, but not unconfortable at all. Now that I had a PICC line, all drugs could be passed through it. The first bag was full of hydration fluids, this is to protect my kidneys from the chemo drugs. 2 hours later, with lots of trips to the bathroom I was ready to start the first official chemo drug. It only took 15mins to go through adn was bright red coloured. I noticed it also make your urine pink too, nothing to worry about. The next drug took 1.5 hours to push through and finally another 1.5 hours of hydration.

Luckly, came prepared for a long day and took a book to read and my Nintendo DS Lite. Shirin sat by me most of the time, except for when she had to go home and feed Alyssa. I managed to get an hours sleep.

I overheard that the people on the bed next to me were also from Greenhithe, so Shirin and I decided to have a chat with them. Ben has the same condition as me but is going on a new trial medication. They literally live 5 minutues from our house, so I suppose we will be seeing him quite often. The journey home was a nightmare, seemed like all the roads were blocked and I was starting to feel sick from the chemo.

Oh, I nearly forgot, the 3rd chemo drug is applied 24hrs/7days a week. It's a ball with the drug within it. The ball pumps the chemo into the PICC line in my arm. It is a little awkward, but I getting used to it. The only thing worrying me is that Alyssa will want to play with the line and may pull it out of arm, I can imagine that being quite painful.

We get home and pig out on pasta, then I'm off to bed (midnight).

simple notes:

sickness level: 2/10
very hungery ealier, ate quite a lot.
weed about 4 buckets! must be a world record.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Test Blog

Wonder if this blog thing really works. Well it's worth a try!