Friday, August 24, 2007


Hi all,

Just to let you know that I am no longer updating this blog. My treatment has finished. I have blood tests every 2 months to make sure nothing is wrong. Thanks again for all your help and support.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Good News - Scan shows no sign of cancer

Yep, that is right. My first Ct scan shows no sign of cancer! It is a big weight off my shoulders. I will have to go for check ups every 2 months still. Starting work tomorrow and can't wait.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

First Scan!

Tomorrow I have the results of my first CT scan. I'm not that worried about it. I also start my new job on Tuesday part time. My old boss has very kindly hired me again on a part time basis. I can't wait to get back into the swing of things. I'll be calling you all soon to try and meet up. Looks like life is getting back to normal at last. It has been a hard 9 months, hopefully it is all over now!

I'll be having my annual barbecue on 26th August, all are welcome. Please let me know if you can attend as I will need to get the right amount of food.

Thanks again for all your support. I won't be writing this blog very often from now onwards as there won't be much to write about my treatment. I will still check the blog for comments every now and again. You can reach me more frequestly on facebook or email

Keep in touch,


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bounced Back!

Yep, I'm back and feeling pretty good. The tiredness from the Chemo/Radio has gone! Also my eating has improved and I'm starting to put my weight back on. I've spent the last few days moping about Bluewater. Shirin has been really good at keeping out of the house and out and about. It has made a big difference from lying in bed all day.

Went to the cinema for the first time in about a year. Saw Oceans was okay, no surprises. Also have tickets to see Ready Steady Cook! Celeb edition!!! I know it's sad but I like the programme. I've also been watching the tennis, at least Henman looks like he might win a few games this year.

What else....oh yeah, I'm looking for work. Please let me know if there are any contract/perm roles going. I'm looking to start immediately and would prefer something around London Bridge Station.

Now that I have my energy back I'll be calling you all to meet up for drinks. I haven't had a pint of guiness in ages and can't wait. See you all soon and thanks for your support, I won't forget it.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers Day!

I celebrated today by pulling out my NJ tube, the one that goes from my nose to my intestines. My nutritionist is not going to be happy with me about it. But I have seen some significant improvements. Firstly the pain I was getting when eating has almost gone. Secondly I can eat my easier (normally) which worry about getting the tube in the food. Thirdly I feel like I am truly recovering now as I have no tubes, pumps or syringes attached to me.

Going to celebrate fathers day by pigging out at Pizza Hut...looking forward to their unhealthy salads with lots of dressing. I hope that all the Dads reading this also have a good day.

Meeting the doctors on Thursday, needless to say they are going to be disappointed that the tube is going. I could always just stick the last bit up my nose and pretend it is all there. The docs had given me some cocaine based pain killers for my eating pain. The stuff is great, although I was warned not to take it more than 4 times a day. I didn't get a high but I felt in much greater spirits. I may have some left over if anyone is interested. It must be good stuff as you can only get it in hospitals.

Just watched the finals of Queens Tennis. What a good match. Can't wait until Wimbledon starts next week. Also the final of Britain's got Talent tonight. It's obvious that Connie is going to win. What an exciting day.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Finished Treatment!!!

At last, the chemo has ended. Actually I ended up finishing a day early because the sickness was getting too much. I'm starting to feel better already. I've lost quite a lots of weight as I have not eaten in the last 3 days. My nutritionalist was not happy with me. Hopefully now the sickness is wearing off I'll start eating more.

I back on steroids to help with the pain and tiredness. They will also increase my appetite so I should start putting the pounds back on. I think the hardest part has to be eating through the treatments,,,I've gone from 11 stone 3 to 9 stone 3 in 5 months. I'm sure some of you are envious of me losing so much, but trust me there are other ways of losing weight than what I've been through.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

One week to go!

Yes, I've started my final week of chemo and can't wait for it to be over. Just 7 more days and I'll have completed all my cancer treatment. I had to go to the local hospital today so that they could stretch my throat again, it was getting difficult to swallow. Whilst they were down there I asked them if they could see if I have any stomach ulcers. They didn't find any, so it is a mystery as to what is causing me pain when I eat.

I think I'm going to sleep through most of this week as the chemo is knocking me out. I barely get out of bed. I've found a new TV series to watch called Eureka. Definately worth watching. I've also started to watch blood ties, which looks a little dubious but I'll watch another episode to see if it improves.

Anyway, hope you are all doing well. Can't wait till I have some energy and catch up with you all in person. Not long now.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

A long day

Went to St Thomas's hospital today to get by chemo pump changed and see the dietion. It took much longer than expected. Firstly the chemo drugs were not ready, and when they did get them, they only got one pump, I need another pump to take home. So we had to wait yet again. We got there at 12:20 and didn't leave till 4pm. It normally only takes 1 hour in total.

Also mentioned to the docs that I was feeling pain when I eat. We suggested that I should cut down on some of the drugs that can cause irritation. Seems like the doctors are following our suggestions rather than giving advice from experience. You would think that they would have had patients with similar problems in the past and know how to solve the issues.

Anyway, I feel better now that I've let some steam off....thanks for reading through it all.
My weight is still dropping.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

2 and a bit weeks to go

Can't wait for this all to end. Really starting to get fed up with needles being jabbbed in to me ever 3 days. Also the sickness is getting a little worse since I came down on my meds. Have decided to up the meds again, just doesn't feel like I'm improving very quickly. I suppose I need to be more patient and I only have just over 2 weeks to go.

I really want to get back out there and meet up with everyone. I've also seen quite q few jobs I'm interested in, but obviously can't interview for them in my current condition. I'm hoping there will be jobs out there in a few months time.

Summer is truely here, even if it rains a little. I want to be out in Convent Garden sipping on some wine and enjoying the sun. I had my first whisky in months a couple of nights ago, it went down well so may be I can start on the booze again soon.

Alyssa has changed so much in the last month. She picks up all sorts of words and can count to 10 except she sometimes misses out 9. At least I have the strength to play with her now. Not much else to say really. Oh, have started to watch Primeval and about to start watching Boston Legal, both look good so far.

Weight: 9stone 11lbs
Sickness : 4/10
Energy: 6/10

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Exhausted but met Ian Botham

The last few days have been really hard. I just do not have any energy and I'm not sure when it is going to come back. I realise that the Radio is still having an effect on me but I was hoping that would wear off by now. Also losing a little weight which is not good.

Whilst walking around Bluewater, Shirin noticed that Ian Botham was signing copies of his new book. We managed to jump the queue and get a copy signed. I'm not that excited about it but there you go.

Sorry there isn't anything more exciting to say, except I only have 3.5 weeks of Chemo left!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


It has been a while since I have written my blog. The main reason being that not much has been happening. I'm still exhausted from the Radio treatment and spend most of my day in bed. The dizzy spells are getting better though, only had one today. I'm finding eating more and more difficult, which is not what I was expecting. I would have thought that now the Radio has stopped may by my digestion would improve. Turns out I feel slightly more sick every day. It could be due to my building up a tolerance to the anti sickness drugs or it could be that I'm pushing my eating boundaries a little. In any case, I wish I didn't feel so sick after eating.

Has anyone got any suggestions for programs to download that are worth watching? I've almost finished psych. I'm also watching Heros and 24. Any others I should consider?

Eating: lots but feeling sick
Sickness : 4/10
Energy : 4/10

Monday, May 07, 2007

Not long to go

Only two more sessions of radio and I'm done! So from Wednesday I should be back home and recovering. I still have 5 weeks of Chemo to go, but it can't be as bad as the radio treatment.
Had a nightmare journey home from hospital on Friday, the traffic was terrible. Ended up stopping off at Rodney and Reenahs.

My energy levels are very low, can barely get out of bed. Hopefully when the radio stops my energy will return.

Many thanks for the offer of a flight, I'll definately take you up on that, although it may be a couple of months before I can fly. Kevin, you might want to plan the trip to Sweden without me and I'll join if I can.

The district nurse is supposed to visit today to change my sub cut pump. It's a needle they place under the skin to pump anti sickness drugs. It works really well for me. Sorry there is not anything exciting to write about, not much happens when you're lying in bed all day. I would recommend this TV series I've started watching called Pysch, it quite funny.

Energy : 1/10
Sickness : 2/10

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Dizzy Spell

Had my first dizzy spell today. I was getting up from bed to have some lunch and was walking to the living room when I lost all balance. I was trying so hard to keep up right but my legs refused to cooperate. I ended up landing on my arse, so thankfully no damage. I think the radio therapy is really taking its toll on me. I only have 7 more sessions and then the radio is finished. I will then have another 5 weeks of chemo to go.

I'm back in hospital for the whole of next week. Visitors are welcome. How has life been treating you all? I've lost touch with the outside world a little bit. Oh, and thanks for the generous donations for Priya's challenge.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sponsors Please!

It has been a hard day today. I've eaten something that doesn't agree with me and my stomach is really playing up. I managed to feed my self through the NJ tube in my nose last night, Made a bit of a mess setting it all up, but now I get a few extra calories whilst I am alseep.

I was looking at the Stats on the site today. Well over 700 hits, so thanks all for continuing to read this blog. It does make the days go quicker knowing there are so many people rooting for me.

A very close friend of mine mentioned that she is raising money for cancer research and I was hoping that some of you might be interested in sponsoring her. Her name is Priya and I have known her since my first few days at Uni. You can find out more about her fund raising attempts at Priya, I hope you don't mind me telling others about your website.

Once I am recovered from the Radio/Chemo I hope to raise some money too. I'd like to do something now but have been told off by the missus for not resting enough. So now I spend most of the day in bed surfing the web. Not a bad lifestyle and one I could get used to.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Back home in Kent for the weekend

Hello all! It's nice to be back home again. Especially to see Alyssa. I'll be going back to the ward on Monday, but I'm not sure what they have planned for me after that. I think they want to put me up in a hotel for the remainder of the week. Not sure what the rooms are going to be like, I imagine pretty basic. Also I'll probably need lots of visitors as sitting in a tiny room is going to drive me mad. At least on the ward there are other people to talk to.

The ward is very noisey at night. There's a guy who I call Jar Jar Binks (from Star wars) because he sounds just like the character. I've had many the urge to go and thumo him one, especially when he's on the phone at 10pm talking at the top of his voice.

There is also a chap sort of opposite me, who is really not doing very well. He seems to spend the night throwing up. The sound and smell is bad. I feel for him, but he does stop me sleeping sometimes. I plan to get some good sleep this weekend.

I think I'm going to be near London Bridge for the remainder of my Radio treatment (3 weeks).
My weight has stablised at 9 stone 7.5 lbs which is quite low. I'm being fed overnight through a tube to get some extra calories in me. I had a urge for a Spicy Bean Burger last night and walked to Burger King in London Bridge Station only to find out that they do not sell them there. They sell all the other burgers! I might have a Bean Burger tonight to make up for it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jays back at Guys

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to give you all an update. Jay's back at Guys - same ward as before (Hedley Atkins Unit, 8th Floor, New Guys House).
He's had an NJ tube put in on Monday, and they've started giving him supplemental feeds through it. He'll hopefully be allowed home for the weekend again, and then either go back in to Guy's or a local hotel on Monday.
You are all more than welcome to visit him at the hospital (2pm - 8pm).


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Back home

It has been a very hard week. I was almost ready to quit all chemo and radio therapy on Thursday as I was feel so sick. The nausea was terrible as well as the pain. My morale was at its lowest for a long time. Thankfully by Thursday evening the docs had fitted me with a syringe driver which pumps anti-sickness drugs directly under my skin. With in hours I was feeling much better! The docs have let me go home for the weekend but want me back on Monday.

The plan for next week is to fit a feeding tube via my nose to my stomach on Monday. It means I will be walking about with a tube hanging out of my nose. Not a very nice site but it had to be as I am losing too much weight. Once the feed is up and running they are going to give me a room at a hotel on site. I have stayed there before, the rooms are tiny and very basic, but at least I won't have the commute every day.

Had an impromptu party last night when Rodney and Reenah couldn't find baby care and then decided to have dinner at ours. Reena and Victor, who were supposed to be meeting Rodney and Victor came around as well. I just wished I had more energy to spend time with them, I spent most of the evening resting in my room. It was really nice to see them though.

I'm going to chill out this weekend and not do much at all. To be honest I bearly have the strength to sit up for any period of time. Hopefully that will change once the start the feeding on Monday. Fingers crossed this weekend will go smoothly. Thanks for all your comments.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Jay's Back In Hospital

Hi everyone, Shirin here. Just wanted to let you all know that Jay was admitted yesterday to try and sort out his nausea and weight loss. He'll probably be in till Friday.

He's at Guys Hospital (London Bridge), Hedley Atkins Unit, 8th Floor New Guys House.
Visiting daily 2pm - 8pm

Thursday, April 05, 2007

I Feel Sick :(

Anyone watch American Dad? It's fantastic! I've watched 4 episodes today so far. I would recommend it to all of you. Also drove my new car today, quite fast and nippy. It's the first time that I have bought a new car.

I've been feeling very sick the last few days. Throwing up lots and not eating very much. Although my appetite is still good. I've also noticed that my nose bleed is getting worse each day. I was zapped by the x-rays earlier today and then met with the dietiton and oncologist who look after me. The were concerned that I had lost so much weight and are thinking of putting a NG tube in from my nose to my stomach so that they can feed me. I'm not looking forward to it, but it beats feeling sick all day. I can only manage jam sandwiches and pizza. Trust me, it gets boring after a while!

Have a busy weekend lined up, with people coming to visit over the Bank Holidays. I hope that I'm well enough to see them.

Weight : 9 stone 10lbs
Sickness : 6/10

Monday, April 02, 2007

I've been nuked!

Well not quite. The radiation they are subjecting me to as part of my treatment is actually high dose x-rays. My appointment was at 2:30pm however, one of the machines had broken down which led to a 2 hour delay! I didn't leave the hospital until 5pm. The procedure was painless and took only 10 minutes. I hope the other appointments are not as delayed. Judging by the rest of the people waiting, it seems common for there to be long delays. My plan is to bring in a box of chocolates for the staff in the hope that they might speed things up for me.

I was in extreme pain most of last night because I ate an apple and didn't peel it. I think the peel had got stuck in my intestines and caused horrific pain. I'd taken all my pain killers but nothing helped. In the end I took some sleeping tablets. Still hurting a little today. I really can't go through that again. As a consequence I haven't eaten today. Not sure what the dietition going to say about that. I don't care at the moment, so long as I'm not in too much pain.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


Not much has been happening over the last few days. My brother in law has gone back to Karachi. I was hoping that he wouldn't get a seat and have to stay with us longer. Apart from that the only change has been in my breathing. I noticed that I was breathing more and more shallow, which is a problem in case I get a chest infection. So I started my yoga breathing exercises. They were much harder to complete that before.

My breathing hasn't improved with the exercises. In fact my chest seems to be getting tighter and tighter. I hope I'm not getting a chest infection.

Going to hand in some Motability forms at the VW showroom today so that I can get my car next week Also going to do a little shopping.